Using the data and your economic knowledge, evaluate the view that the benefits resulting from a more equal distribution of income exceed the costs.

Using the data and your economic knowledge, evaluate the view that the benefits resulting from a more equal distribution of income exceed the costs.
The distribution of income is defined as the distribution of wages earned across a company, industry or country. I will be focusing on the distribution of wages earned across a country.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of the equal distribution of income. If it was equalised and everyone earned the same amount, people would have less incentives to do more challenging but vital jobs (e.g. doctors) as they could get paid the same amount for doing an easier job (e.g. window cleaning). The graph shows the inequalities in the wage rate that would be removed but there would be a cost of implementing the more equal distribution of it. This would come from both people in the higher quintiles of wage rates shown in extract A. These are both major disadvantages showing that it may not be practical to implement equal distribution as they don’t outweigh the costs which would be public outcry, striking and many others.