What difference does globalisation make to sociology?

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SCS101    Introduction to Sociology                030131970

What difference does globalisation make to sociology?

Sociology is the study of society and its make up. Sociology explores the generic constitution of society and how factors such as beliefs, lifestyle, education, religion can shape it.  By dictionary definition, globalisation is the ‘growth to a global or worldwide scale; "the globalisation of the communication industry”. The question here is whether there is a connection between the two definitions and if so how. One could go a step further and suggest whether society affects how the world is globalised? These are a few issues that need to be addressed.

It is claimed that globalisation can be categorised with three different focuses, though they are intimately entwined with each other, all of which I intend to examine and discuss (i)Culture, (ii) States and boundaries and (iii)Economic relations and economics activities.

Marshall McLuhan [1964] argued more than a quarter of a century ago an emergence which he called the ‘global village.’ This was made possible by a revolution in communication and transportation systems that have transformed our experience of time and space. The world is now seen as ‘one’ due to the vast amount of facilities and accessibility each country has. The world is now often termed being ‘small’.

A globaphile focuses on the positive opportunities and challenges created by globalisation, while a globaphobe is suspicious and focus on the damages and costs of the process. Globalisation has been enhanced primarily by the information technology revolution. The process whereby governments undersell each other in the interests of attracting foreign capital is called ‘downward levelling’. In this respect, globalisation has impacted people’s lives as capital; regardless of currency is a fundamental connection of people.

There are various sociological understandings of globalisation. There is no one theoretical perspective enough to understand what is going on. The key questions in sociology are to understand social change and to understand the relationship between the individual and the collective.


Abram de Swann [2001] argues that there is little worldwide sense of ‘us’. Though, world religions suggest that we are all ‘God’s children’. The formation of any group always involves the exclusion, but no one can be excluded from humanity.

Due to technological means such as: radio, telephone, internet, TV, computers and satellites we can ensure that people are now better informed and informed far more rapidly of what is happening in the world about them than in the past. Society where ever in the world is constantly being informed and has daily reports of what’s going on in other parts of the world. Not only is information about the markets, economy being reported but also things like fashion, habits, and lifestyles. So everyone has the information about the rest of the world. For example, TV viewers cannot stop to see famine in third world countries or the devastating effects of floods. However, since the viewers are aware of events not directly linked to them, this fulfils one of the requirements for greater solidarity. It shows that the viewers may empathise with those less fortunate. However, for this feeling to develop further, more is needed. For example, the shared meaning being the TV, popular music, fashion, fast-food, cars and even ‘dress-codes whereby ‘jeans, T-shirts and trainers are popular all over the world.’ [Abram de Swann 2001].

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Cultural Phenomenon is categorised into two models. The first being culture as a Top Down Phenomenon which impinges on people’s lives, and affects what they do. This model refers to the increased homogeneity in the consumption of the shared understanding of the world. The Top Down Globalisation is the means in which the process has been achieved. There is an important sub-theme. Top down – is a new historically which is a break from past. It has a qualitative difference. We can now be able to travel half way around the world to China, yet still be able to ...

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