Cold in the earth is a poem about Brontes struggle to remember or forget her lover, and her attempts to achieve self-understanding

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5B Diana Fung Wai Ting (13)

  1. Bronte believes that love is abstract. It is felt, not seen. Experienced, not touched. Shared, and never forgotten. How is this concept about love conveyed in the poem?

Bronte believes that love is abstract by portraying it as something to be felt, experienced and shared between her and her lover by the heart; thus it is abstract in the sense that it cannot be seen, touched nor forgotten.

To illustrate her love as felt by her heart, she makes use of terms involving our physical senses to depict her heartfelt love to her lover, establishing the idea that love is felt but not seen. This can be seen in the title ‘Cold in the earth” – the feeling of “coldness” is not only in line with her descriptions of the bleak and cold winter, her lover also lies literally in the cold and dreary grave. More importantly, this is actually an accurate description of her ‘heart’ and her overall emotional state; she has buried her own love and her “life’s bliss” “cold in the earth”, along with her lover’s death. Bronte’s poem is not a recount of past events or experience but a portrayal of her deeply-tormented psychological state when in face of her lover’s death: she is torn between overwhelming grief and indifference of remembering her lover or not. Therefore this is basically about the feelings of her own heart, felt but not seen. Through the use of abstract diction and concepts, e.g. ‘despair’, ‘existence’ ‘spirit’, ‘soul’, she brings forth the idea that love unable to be seen but only felt. There are also contradictions of the element of ‘cold’ and ‘warm’ in her poem to symbolize her conflicting thoughts of whether to remember or forget her lover, e.g. ‘burning desire’ and ‘cold in the dreary grave’. Most of the graphic descriptions in the poem, e.g. ‘deep snow piled above’ and ‘no light has lightened up my heaven…’ are used to convey her feelings in her heart. They are graphic symbolisms of her feelings. For example, in ‘deep snow piled’, Bronte’s heart is numbed by her lover’s death and her love, all her feelings and joy is frozen like the snow upon her lover’s grave.

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  The idea of love being experienced but not touched is similar to the idea of love being felt, not seen, because we inevitably use our hearts to feel Bronte’s experience. What Bronte’s feelings towards her lover are an obsessive love experienced by her and she is unable to ‘seek the empty world again’, which means moving on with her life. The poem illustrates her attempts in moving on and forgetting about her love – from ‘check tears of useless passion’ to ‘weaned my young soul… ‘ – this shows Bronte suppressing her own emotions deliberately in order to ...

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