A detailed analysis of Act 3, Scene 1 of Hamlet.

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A detailed analysis of Act 3, Scene 1

So far in the play, Hamlets madness has been causing people worry. He is acting mad so he can have revenge on Claudius. Polonius suspects he has gone mad because Ophelia has rejected his love. Claudius isn’t sure that’s the reason.

The scene is focused on Polonius and Claudius carrying out their plan to spy on Hamlet. Polonius and Claudius hide behind a curtain to listen to Ophelia talking to Hamlet. They do this to see if Ophelia is really why Hamlet has gone mad. Polonius says “ at such a time I’ll lose my daughter to him. Be you and I behind an arras then”

Gertrude and Ophelia don’t know anything about the plan. The play doesn’t say if Ophelia overhears Claudius. Claudius and polonius tell Gertrude “ we have closely sent for Hamlet hither, that he, as ‘twere by accident, may here affront Ophelia.”

If Ophelia did overhear she might be part of the plan because she wants to find out what’s wrong with Hamlet or she wants to obey her father. Ophelia shows her obedience when she says, “ I shall obey, my lord” The women of the time were expected to be obedient and chaste. Ophelia is shown accurately.

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It seems strange that Polonius disapproved of their relationship. He disapproves because Hamlet is part of the royal family and because he thinks Hamlet is using Ophelia. In this scene the Queen offers her approval she seems to even wish for the relationship to continue “ I do wish that your good beauties be the happy cause of Hamlets wildness” I think she wants to know if Ophelia isn’t the reason Hamlet is mad it could be something else. She says “ I doubt it is no other but the main: his fathers death and our o’earhasty marriage “


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** 2 Stars Shows a knowledge of the play and some of its main themes. Some language analsyis and includes important quotes. More analysis and discussion are needed in places and at times the comments are too simplistic as this is a very complex play.