On Wednesday morning, we all had to be up at 7:30am and down stairs for breaskfast at 8:30am as we were going to Disney Land. At about 9:15am we got on the bus and we were on our way to Disney Land. Everyone was excited and couldn't wait to get there. We finally arrived at Disney Land at 11:30am. When we got insude Disney Land it was bigger than I had imagined it would be. The teachers divided us into groups of six and we all had to stay togetherso we didn't get lost and meet up with one of the teachers evey hour at the entrance to Disney Land. We were in Disney Land for almost 6 hours and we still didn't have enought time to explore all of it. It was divided inot 5 different parts. we went to the castles and they were amazing as they looked like the ones from the fairy tales. We met all different disney characters such as Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Tweenies, Tigger and Plute. We went on all the rides and they were great. The best ride and the scariest ride was the backwards rollercoaster which you go wet in.
On Thursday we went up the Eiffel Tower, shopping and the bowling. Only some of us went up to the top of the tower as some people were scared og heights. it was brillaint looking when you looked down and every thing looked so small. the tower was amazing looking at night when it was all lit up with flashing lights.
On Thursday night we went to the bowling ally it was boring as it was only our school there and it was a lot difference from bowling at home with friends. we go back to the hotel at about 10:30pm, everyone went up to their rooms and started to pack their stuff away as we were going home on Friday and I couldn't wait. After I had all my stuff packed away, I phoned all my friends, my mammy and my boyfriend. It feeled great knowing that i was going home to see all my friends and family.
On Friday we left the hotel at about 9:30am and went to the markets for last minute shopping. We were there for about 2 hours and when back on the bus and we were on our way to the airport to go home. We left Paris anout 12:00pm and we landed back in Dublin about 2:00pm and we an other bus to get to travel back to Derry. We stopped to get something to eat in the Four Season's Hotel and it was great to get nice food again. we were back in Derry at 6:45pm. I was met by my mammy and daddy at the bus depot and was happy to be back home again.
Ashling Cleere E20