A typical day in the life of a street child

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A typical day in a life of a street child

With a fast-paced lifestyle becoming normal, everyone seeks the comforts of their house at the end of the day. Many of us take things for granted. The truth is that we should thank God for making us fortunate enough to live and relish the successes of life.

The day breaks and we get into motion. Either trying to meet some chores or just pretending to, everyone seems busy. Even then everything seems so usual and complete, in a way.

Life moves at its regular pace for most of us. But, deserts do exist beyond our green pastures. It's just that they are overlooked by our money-blinded eyes.

For me it was yet another fine day when something bizarre caught my sight. A child, maybe a couple of years old, was wandering at the robot. Walking bare feet and in rags, he was mopping cars with a filthy piece of cloth.

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One knows what Pretoria is like in the month of January. When the temperature reaches 32 ' C, we think of resting in our air-conditioned rooms, relaxing in our double beds, and sipping a cold drink or lemonade. But that young boy was cleaning rich peoples cars.

Sitting in my car, I could clearly see those countless  brewing in his hopeful eyes, that innocent smile complemented by an easy-going expression on his face. He literally captured my mind for a while.

As he moved closer, I saw that twinkle brighten in search of a few coins which meant the ...

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