Carol Ann Duffy Education

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Joe King

Theme – Education

Selected poems – Education for Leisure, Comprehensive and She was 19...

Education is a prominent theme in the work of Carol Anne Duffy, more specifically its failures and what repercussions that has on society. The nature of Duffy’s work is to concentrate on British society and with such it becomes far easier to relate to her images and characters as it is what is around us every day whether it is recognised or not.

A lack of recognition is a key element of the problem Duffy successfully attempts to highlight in Education for Leisure. This poem, taken from Standing Female Nude highlights educations failure to ensure the knowledge that is being presented to the youths is not being misunderstood. Clearly, the poem explores the mind of a disturbed person and how the character has become isolated.

‘I have had enough of being ignored’

It is obvious in the poem the spokesperson has radical ideas and what is highlighted by Duffy is the failure of education to recognise an individual who is developing incoherent ideas based on facts that have clearly been misunderstood. We see the development of the character’s problems through the stanzas of the poem, this provides a small scale portrayal of growing problem on a national scale that lack of knowledge of culture is creating. It is possible to argue that the chance has gone for this character ‘signing on’, suggesting the period of education is over but Duffy attempts to address the majority through the example of the specific i.e. what is going on in schools needs to be addressed today to prevent the character presented developing tomorrow when it is too late.

We do not know exactly why the character has such inaccurate interpretation of the works of Shakespeare, it could be down to the failures of the educational system such as failing to recognise members of the class do not understand the metaphors presented. It could also be that the character is a quiet member of class therefore slipping through the radar of the teacher which is understandable judging off the size of comprehensive school classes and there are numerous examples of the character being shy ‘I am going to play God’, aiming for such a unreachable height to gain attention is almost certainly compensating for something. Nevertheless, such a misunderstanding creates a big problem in the sense it has a chain effect of the characters thought process,

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‘I squash a fly against the window with my thumb. We did that at school. Shakespeare.’

The misunderstanding comes as when reading King Lear the character felt Shakespeare was approving of violence, correctly accepts Shakespeare was a genius, therefore by killing the speaker becomes a genius or believes this is the case. This is vital to the understanding of the motive for writing this poem, education is rightfully trying to create ambition amongst students but in cases where the topics are misunderstood problems occur.

The structure of Education for Leisure is also important to the understanding of its message, if ...

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