“Is she a Capulet?”
Romeo sees Juliet going up the stairs and realises who she is a Capulet Romeos enemy. Romeo loves Juliet so much Romeo would kill himself and he wants her even though he finds out she is a Capulet. Romeo has fallen in love again with his enemy at this time and he realizes he has to be secretive at this point in time hopping Juliet will keep her mouth shut too.
“I know not.
Go ask his name: if he be married.
My grave is like to be my wedding bed.”
Juliet asks the nurse who is Romeo, but before she asked him she asked who are some of the other people so it doesn’t look so suspicious. She has already turned from an upstanding girl that does, as her mother and father tell her, to a girl who covers up and lies to people in this case it was the nurse. Juliet didn’t know who Romeo was so she had to cover up from the start with out knowing.
“His name is Romeo, and a Montague;
the only son of your great enemy.”
The nurse says this line to Juliet, no way you cannot have him we’re at war against him he is your enemy you cannot fall in love with him you have to keep away from him he is dangerous, but at this point of the play it is to late for any one to say sorry you cant have him. Juliet loves Romeo and she also wants to get married to him so they can be together forever so they wish.
“My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me,
that I must love a loathed enemy.”
Juliet is saying that she loves her enemy she know this information to late she loves him already. She says this while walking up the steers to talk to her mother. The nurse heard her say this so Juliet said when the nurse asked what she was saying Juliet says. Here Shakespeare is showing us that Juliet knows she is meant to hate Romeo but cant because he is so sweet to her.
“A rhyme I learned even now
of one I danced withal.”
All ready she is covering up that she loves Romeo knowing that she can not tell any one that she loves Romeo. Juliet is even covering up her feelings and her love from the nurse whom raised Juliet from a chilled when her mother and father hired the nurse, because if she did her mother and father would look down on her. They would also would kill Romeo or forbid her to ever see him again.
Juliet is one of the characters in this play that is very significant. She is so significant because of her attitude and the way she acts one moment she is the innocent girl who is they’re when her mother and father calls her on the spot “I am here. What is your will?” she comes in to her mother straight away. Then she turns a bit flirtatious and devious as if she has turned from the child that does everything her mother says to whatever she wants to do no matter what any one thinks.
In this part Act 2 Scene 2 is were the most popular part of Romeo and Juliet takes place on the balcony most people call this the balcony scene this is were Romeo goes back under the blanket of darkness to see Juliet. And to tell her that he loves her and that she is his goddess in more detail. When Romeo comes back to see Juliet, Juliet changes her mind frequently in this scene when she gets worried that he might get executed if some one else catches Romeo with her at the balcony that night. They also star the nurse for taking news back forth. Also in this scene Juliet is determined in Act 2 Scene 2 to get Romeo to change his name or for her to change her name in this Scene because she loves him Juliet doesn’t want to leave Romeo again.
“O Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?”
Most people think that this is Juliet calling Romeo but she wants him not just to be there but also to be a different name not a Montague. If he did not change his name Juliet would change hers and deny her farther and get married to Romeo or find some way to change her name and leave her father.
Romeo replays to this trying to get Juliet to like her in the same way he like her but she already loves Romeo more then anyone can ever. After Romeo speaks to Juliet says:
“My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words”
The word “Drunk” is used here but this word normally means some one has had too many beers to drink in a pub; but in this case it happens to means I have not heard such sensitive passionate words in the time I have been born. They have flattered me and made me love you more. As we can see here she is starting to flirt with Romeo again but suddenly decides changes her attitude again. Juliet starts to get worried about Romeo and his presents in being at there property and maybe concluding in his death she doesn’t want her grave to be her wedding bed, but here she is saying what going to happen.
“If they do see thee, they will murder thee.”
She starts to get concerned that tonight may be his last night alive if they find him here and kill him. Juliet wants to get Romeo out of the property while he is still alive Romeo not dead Juliet wants to see Romeo again alive not dead.
Juliet also questions Romeo’s love for her strait after saying you must go. She turns very quickly from you must leave to don’t leave me if you love me you would not leave.
Just as Juliet leaves because the nurse is calling her Romeo calls Juliet back asking for satisfaction but Juliet wonders what satisfaction she might be able to give him to night. Juliet was a strong catholic girl and she believed that you had to get married before you even started to sleep with the man that you loved, but Romeo was not talking about that. Romeo wanted to know if Juliet would marry him and if so when and what time would that would be at if she happened to say yes which she did say yes to.
Some bits of this play contradicts other parts of the speech for example Juliet looks like a innocent girl but on the in side she has the attitude of her mother a flirt.
This part of the play leaves more questions in your mind like:
- Will they marry
- Will their parents catch them before its too late?
Will this bring the Capulets and the Montague combined together?
Shakespeare put these questions in here so we would be intrigued and want to go on reading or watching this play if we were in his time and also to make us think about the play that we are reading.
In Act 2 Scene 5 Juliet is now they’re waiting for the nurse to get back to the house with some information and bring it back to her. This is one of the happy scenes because the nurse has some information about the wedding that Romeo has planed for Juliet and him with Firer Laurence. This is the lull before the storm this is the quiet bit until Romeo kills Tiblyt and the war starts again. The nurse makes some tension in this scene by teasing Juliet in not telling her the news strait away but by not being to informative .I think the only reason that the nurse is teasing Juliet is to spend some last presses because the only reason she was hired was to look after Juliet but with Juliet the nurse must go as well. Also the nurse will happen miss Juliet because she is like the child the nurse lost when she was pregnant.
Juliet was worried because of the nurse she had been waiting 3 hours when she was promised 2 hours she is worried in case Romeos men would have killed her or even she might have got court her self at this time in the play.
When the nurse comes back Juliet asks the nurse what is the news am I getting married and when. The nurse does tease her so she can get the last few moments alone with Juliet because when Juliet has gone the nurse will go because the nurse will have no job left. Juliet is also like the nurses daughter because the nurse lost her baby when she was young with the plague so the nurse breast-fed Juliet and looked after her like her own. That she can, but finally when the nurse can see that Juliet cant take it any more the nurse tells Juliet what Romeo said to her.
“There stays a husband to make you a wife.”
The nurse says if you have the will to go to confection then you will be married then to Romeo your lover. This is one of the really happy scenes because Juliet is thinking I got my Romeo nothing can go wrong now because Juliet forgot about Paris the one her father and mother this Juliet going to marry. There are no arrangements for Paris just yet only for Romeo if there was some one who didn’t know the plot to Romeo and Juliet they would think that Juliet would now runaway with Romeo. Those that know the story would know that she cant because she is still a little girl who needs the wisdom off her mother and father at this age like most teenagers.
In the part act 3 scene 2 it is parallel to act 2 scene 5 Juliet wants some more information off the nurse but this time this information is not good like before the nurse is not going to tell Juliet again not because she wants to spend more time or tease Juliet but because the nurse is trying to get her own feeling out. The nurse isn’t worried about Juliet feelings the nurse can’t find the words. Juliet tries to sort thing out that the nurse has told her in a rational way.
When Juliet meats the nurse and she says:
“Ay me, what news? Why dost thou wring thy hands?
The nurse rings her hands because of the news that she herd but it takes the nurse almost two pages to get her feelings out across to Juliet to tell her what has happened its not because of teasing but because of the death of Tybelt that she cant get across.
When the nurse gets her feelings out she says what she wanted to tell Juliet at the time that Tybelt is dead and Juliet’s husband Romeo is banished:
“Tybelt is gone and Romeo banished”
When Juliet hears this and she cannot get here feelings out just like the nurse she puts her husband down but when Juliet hears the nurse put Romeo down Juliet stands up for Romeo her husband after the nurse puts him down saying he is no good Romeo should not have done this. Telling the nurse to bite here tong when she says something bad about Romeo.
Shakespeare is trying in this scene to show Juliet dealing with the pain for the loss of her cousin who her Romeo killed and her husband in one day after 3hours of being married to him at the time she cant believe he got banished.
Juliet tries to express her self by saying things that don’t go together like.
“O serpent hart, hid with flowering face!”
No serpent can have a flowering face, the word serpent is used to say what man could kill anther man of his own blood and colour; but sticking up for Romeo by saying he has the hart of a flower he would not hurt a fly. She uses these opposites to fort out her love and her hate for Romeo.
When the nurse has ago at Romeo while his not in there presents at the time Juliet sticks up for him and takes back what she said about her husband saying how can I speak horribly of my husband and how can you do so to. The nurse is shocked on how Juliet cannot speak horrible of the man who happened to kill her cousin.
In this next section of the play were we happen to see Juliet is Act 3 Scene 5 here Juliet has Romeo in her bedroom with out her mother or father knowing at this point in time. Juliet’s father is getting a bit out of hand when he finds out that Juliet will not marry Paris and feels that she is not grateful of what he has done for her. Then in this scene he says he will disown her. Remembering Juliet is only 13 she has the problem of being married to some one else but her father wants Juliet to be married his friend Paris.
Juliet wakes up after having a night with Romeo in her bed Juliet wakes up as Romeo is getting ready to leave and she says:
“Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet day.”
Meaning I don’t want you to go yet the sun is not out yet its still dark but Romeo says it is almost light I must go if I don’t go I will die here and now and you will have me no more. Juliet says it is not yet day so no one will be awake no one will find you don’t have to go so why not stay. Romeo then says a line that shakes Juliet up and makes her realise he must go to see another day.
“Let me be taken, let me be put to death.”
Juliet suddenly change her mind and tells Romeo no, no you must take your leave if you do not go you will probably die if someone catches you, I don’t want that to happen at the moment because I live you and I don’t want to lose you. I have only been married to you in the space of one day and to me that’s not long time to live with you and know you but I love you.
The nurse comes in and sends Romeo out not because of the fact he killed Tybelt but because Juliet’s mother was on her way to Juliet’s room and the nurse didn’t want Juliet to get told off by encouraging Romeo to come to Juliet’s room. As soon as the Lady Capulet comes in she sees Juliet crying and the mother thinks it’s because of Tybelt death, but it’s for Romeos banishment.
“Even more weeping for your cousin’s death”
Juliet and her mother talk about why she is crying her mother says you cannot wash Tybelt from the grave with tears so why cry. Juliet says I don’t cry for his death I cry for the feelings that I have lost Juliet is talking about Romeo and how he has just been banished but her mother thinks that Juliet is talking about Tybelt. At least Juliet is talking like she wants Tybelt so doesn’t get court while talking about Romeo. Lady Capulet is getting cruel because she’s saying don’t cry for Tybelt so much he is only one of your cozens you don’t want people to talk.
Juliet’s mother tells her of the wedding that has been planed for her and Juliet is shocked and worried because she can’t be married to two people at the same time.
“Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn”
Juliet cant believe this not because it has made her happy but because she is already married and she doesn’t want to marry un less Romeo is dead in witch case Juliet will kill herself witch happens later on already she is showing the ordnances she is going to die.
Juliet’s father comes in and he asks her mother if she has told Juliet the news.
“Ay, Sir, bur she will none, she gives you thanks.”
Capulet Juliet’s father starts to get aggressive by saying “how now, how now?” just these fore words tell us that this is not going to be good because Capulet is wondering why she will not get married to his friend at this time. Capulet even says that he will through her out and make her beg for money or even killer her if she dose not get married to his friend Paris.
All in the space of one scene Juliet has every one against her, her mother, father and nurse are all saying that she should go with Paris in stead of Romeo that she love more then the world. The nurse says:
“Romeo is banished, and all the world to nothing”
Meaning Romeo is banished what good is he to you the nurse goes on saying that Paris is a good man and he had more money Romeo is just a dish cloth and Paris is a eagle so go and get married to Paris. Just then says sarcastically well thanks for your help you really helped me maybe I will get married to Paris.
At the beginning of this play Juliet was seen to have been an abundant child she has now changes in so many ways. She has become more independent by choosing who she wants to be with. At the end of this scene Juliet seems completely alone and isolated. She cant turn to anyone for help because they all think that she should go after Paris rather then who she loves besides the Friar she cant turn to any one for help, because there pushing her in the wrong direction to were she wants to go.
In act 4 scene 1 Juliet decides to kill herself because no one wants anything to do with her even the nurse has shut her out so she goes to see Friar Laurence and there she see Paris put in the privet talk with Friar Laurence she threatens to kill herself with a seaward. Friar Laurence suggests a plan that Juliet takes a drug that would put her to sleep but the plan backfires.
When Juliet walks in to the church she sees Paris so she has to talk to him as if he will be her wife tomorrow. Juliet plays games with him by Paris saying one thing and Juliet’s converting that into a quick answer to the question that Paris asked. Juliet tries to avoid Paris by being skilful and cleaver.
Again Juliet is covering by changing what she is saying to what other people want to hear at the time:
“That may be, sir when I am your wife”
This is one of Juliet’s lines after Paris say hi my happy my lady and my wife, but Juliet has said you cant call me wife yet not till to morrow when we are married then you can call me your wife and lady. Paris and Juliet go on to have a conversation about the wedding, but after nineteen sentences between them Juliet gets tired and she can’t keep this up so Juliet asks Friar Laurence if she should go or are you free now. Friar Laurence could see that Juliet couldn’t keep this up so he said bye to Paris.
Juliet is getting week in the line of she cant cope with Romeo gone and tries to kill her self in Friar Laurence site he stops Juliet. Giving Juliet this drug saying that this will put u to sleep making it seem like you are dead it will last for 42 hours. Friar Laurence dose tell Juliet the risks but Juliet still takes the drug off Friar Laurence. Although only thirteen Juliet knows the risks and what death is because the pelage was out the same time as when Shakespeare wrote this play and everyone was dying all over the place so Juliet knew what death was.
In this part of the play that I will now be looking at is Act 4 Scene 2 and 3 there is irony in the opening of this scene because Lord Capulet is again preparing for a feast but not the same as the last one. The last feast was for Paris and Juliet to see is Paris was a good man for Juliet to be married to. This one is a wedding feast instead of the one that they had before.
Juliet here just goes along with what ever her mother and father say and tries to help out because at the end of the say Juliet will be partly dead. So Juliet pretends to play the part of the kind calm dutifully daughter this happens to echo on the earlier scenes like a sandwich obedient disobedient obedient.
“Henceforward I am ever ruled by you”
Juliet is saying sorry I disobeyed you and from today on words I shell do what you say I will not breath with out your permission. When Lord Capulet heard this he moved the wedding forward to Wednesday because things are moving so fast like clockwork. (This leaves less time for Romeo to get the right message from Friar Laurence.) This is where Friar Laurence’s plan starts to go wrong.
Julie also starts to help in the preparations so it doesn’t look like she is going to killer self at this point in time it also helps keep her mind of other things making her self look busy. When Juliet’s mother leaves her after saying good night and closes the door Juliet says:
“Farewell! God when we shell meet again”
What Juliet says here is true only god knows when they will meat again because here mother will miss her and she will miss her mother but if they meet again it will have to be in the next life Lady Capulet will think she has seen a ghost.
Juliet takes the vile on the late Tuesday evening and Juliet dismisses her mother and nurse. Once alone Juliet doubts whether or not she should take the vial given to her by Friar Laurence. Despite her fears and uncertainties, she remembers her resolve and drinks the potion.
In the last seen we see Juliet Act 5 Scene 3 where Romeo dies because he thinks Juliet is dead so she kills her self when Juliet finds out.
Juliet’s final diction was quite easy for her to take her life Shakespeare made no hesitations to kill Juliet after Romeo had killed himself with poison
“Let me die”
Friar Laurence offers Juliet a place as a nun because every one else thinks that she is dead so he would look after Juliet because Romeo is dead, but Juliet is stare on NO I want to die with my Romeo. Juliet always wanted to kill her self ever since Romeo was banished to leave Verona or die in the end she did because of him and her love for him at the time.
Juliet wanted to die since she found out that the entire plan was going wrong she always had death as a possibility but only considers it right at the end of the play when Romeo is dead. In this play Juliet has carton qualities that make her Juliet some of there are that she can be patient for a 13 year old and he know what to say she’s very mature for her age. Even at the most dramatic time of this play Shakespeare made this character fight though till the end to keep her going. Juliet also acts this play as if it is just a game that she had bought. Even though this one of the first plays that Shakespeare made it is one of the best tragedies though out this world. They way he made the character Juliet act the way she dose when Juliet is under pressure. William Shakespeare’s plays were not normally made for reading but for watching up on a stage being acted out. The reasons for this was that most people couldn’t read so they had the chance to watch it and hear up on the stage in fount of them as a form of entertainment.
Wendy Lovegrove 02/05/2007