Class and Gender conflict in Pygmalion

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An Analysis of Class and Gender Conflict in Pygmalion

Summary:  Presents that Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion explicitly comments on issues of class and gender. Analyzes Shaw's use of language and symbolism to achieve that goal.

 "Pygmalion is a serious analysis of class and gender conflict."

Bernard Shaw's play, entitled Pygmalion, transcends the nature of drama as a medium to be utilised for sheer entertainment value. Shaw's play powerfully comments on the capacity for the individual to overcome the boundaries established by systems of class and gender. Dominant assumptions and expectations, may essentially prevent an individual from becoming socially mobile within a seemingly rigid hierarchical social structure. However, Liza, the protagonist utilises language as the tool which enables the her to escape the confines of the lower class and to be regarded as a human of a certain degree of worth within society. As Liza transforms from flower girl to duchess, the audience is witness to the many ways that an individual can be dehumanised through the socialisation process. Issues of both class and gender arise from the tensions within the play that surround the interactions between Higgins and Liza and the viewer is able to openly question the values that exist within a society that judges the character of a person on the basis of wealth and education.

Henry Higgins represents the upper class of society, those that are expected to be both educated and wealthy. He is profoundly aware of his status and is not particularly sympathetic towards those of the lower class. This is revealed as he is first introduced to Liza and refers to her as a 'squashed cabbage leaf.' (Shaw, 2003:18) This first scene is important as it establishes the class differences that are evident within the language contrasts of each of the characters. Higgins plays an important role in establishing this theme as he places great emphasis on phonetics. He has the ability to place an individual within the geographical location of their place of origin. According to the standards of high society, these distinctions of origin are an important factor with regards to status. This is exemplified by Clara Einsford Hill's distaste as others are made aware that she is originally from Earlcourt, rather than her mother's place of birth, which is near Epsom. Epsom is a well known town of wealth and class, as opposed to Earlscourt, which is typically `middle class.' Clara becomes frustrated, as in, 'Will you please keep your impertinent remarks to yourself.' (Shaw, 2003:16) Higgins is determined to clarify the origins of each person's accent, subsequently undermining the sense of class that Clara seeks to exude.

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 In addition, the way that Shaw chooses to spell each dialect creates a stark contrast between each of the characters. The flower girl's language stands out as being tedious and mispronounced, whilst the reader is made aware that the Einsford Hill's speech is the dialect which is to be considered normal through the spelling of their diction. For example, the flower girl's dialect is represented in such a way: `Wal, fewd dan y' d-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel's flahrzn than ran awy athaht pyin. Will ye-oo py me f'them"' (Shaw, 2003:11) ...

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**** 4stars An excellent essay which uses appropriate quotes throughout in order to support statements. Closer language analysis is needed in places. Well structured and logically argued essay which remains focused on the question. Fluently and eloquently written essay which shows insight and evidence of wider reading.