Compare and Contrast - Cataract Operation, About his person, & Poem

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Compare and Contrast: Cataract Operation, About his person, & Poem

Simon Armitage was born in 1963 and lives in West Yorkshire. Simon Armitage has taught at the University of Leeds and the University of Iowa's Writers' Workshop, and currently teaches at Manchester Metropolitan University.  He writes biographical poems, which are based on things, which he has experienced in his life.

In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting three of Simon Armitage’s poems, Cataract Operation, About His Person and Poem.  The subject matter in Cataract Operation is about the poet looking out of his window and seeing things in a way he has never seen them before, like pigeons in the yard, washing on a line, and hens pecking for food.  This is because a cataract operation clears the lens of his eye’s, which has become unclear, so the poet is affectionate to his new way of seeing things to having had a difficulty in front of his eyes cleared away by surgery.  The subject matter is a happier and more enjoyable compared to About His Person. About His Person lists all the items that a dead man had upon him when he was discovered. It reads like a police officer's report.  The following quotations “an analogue watch, self-winding, stopped”, “but beheaded in his fist”, and “a ring of white unweathered skin” all show a sign of a wrecked and finished life.  Poem could be similarly compared to the two other poems. The reason being is as it shows signs of affectionate love and signs of tragedy and deceitfulness.  Poem is about a husband and a father who has a serious problem with his frame of mind.  “And if it snowed and snow covered the drive he took a spade and tossed it to one side, and always tucked his daughter up at night, and slippered her the one time that she lied.”  This quote shows us that he had a mixed personality and proves sometimes he did this, and sometimes he did that.

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The language used in Cataract Operation can be very misleading, as the poet creates phrases, which could mean a number of things and is left to the reader to decide.  “A pigeon in the yard turns tail” is an example of the misleading language used because we imagine the bird turning around so that its tail faces the poet in the window, while at the same time we can read turns tail as 'runs away from' or 'turns its back on', as if it is snubbing the poet.  Simon Armitage also uses a mixture of metaphors and personifications so that every item of drying ...

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