Compare: 'The Soldier' by Rupert Brooke, 'Futility' by Wilfred Owen, and 'Anthem For Doomed Youth' also by Wilfred Owen, are all on the theme of war.
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Kathryn Garnham 10T April – May 2002
English Literature Coursework: A Comparison of Three Sonnets on the Same Theme
A sonnet is a poem fourteen lines in length. Sonnets follow various rhyming patterns, such as the idea of three quatrains and a rhyming couplet, as was promoted by the sonnets written by William Shakespeare. The Iambic Pentameter, the idea of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, is a common feature of sonnets, as are elevated themes such as love, death, war and honour. The three poems I have chosen to compare: ‘The Soldier’ by Rupert Brooke, ‘Futility’ by Wilfred Owen, and ‘Anthem For Doomed Youth’ also by Wilfred Owen, are all on the theme of war.
The most striking difference between these three poems is the manner in which they portray war. Whilst ‘The Soldier’ seems to glorify war, making the soldiers who fought appear as heroes, the other two sonnets depict the apparent pointless of war. In ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’, the title alone presents a feeling of the worthlessness of war: the word ‘doomed’ shows that the young soldiers are not yet in danger, but by fighting in a war they are approaching an imminent death. The word ‘anthem’ is a contradiction, an example of irony. Anthems are glorious, celebratory songs, and by no means is the poem joyous. Naturally, the title ‘Futility’ also leads the reader into an expectation of a poem describing the pointlessness of war. Although the title ‘The Soldier’ is not directly celebratory of the dead warrior in response to which the poem was written; it is clearly respectful, as by naming the poem in the way the author did, an entire poem is dedicated in the memory of the deceased.
In ‘Futility’, a very tender feeling is captivated in the opening lines:
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Quality of writing
The Quality of Written Communication is very good. The candidate retains a good level of control over their use of grammar, spelling and punctuation, with appropriate Standard English used throughout their answer. The candidate's use of field-specific lexis is no exhaustive and could be improved, as it would indicate to the examiner a candidate who write with flair and confidence, so I recommend going over a few of those all-important key words in order to really give the examiner the impression you're a proficient candidate who knows how to analyse poetry using the language of the experts.
Level of analysis
The Level of Analysis is very good though can be considered to have been dissipated mainly in language. That's no bad thing, as everything the candidate says is completely valid and shows the examiner much about the candidate's ability to analyse poetry, such as the analysis of the emotive evocation of Brooke and Owen's titles). It shows an ability to think non-laterally about how certain words are used and the symbolic resonance of words like "Doomed" (the candidates marks are boosted here, as most candidates miss the highly important title analysis). Where I suggest improvement should be made is covering more with regards to structure and integrating context more fluidly. Consider again the conventional syllabic rhythm of a sonnet - 'The Soldier' constrains itself to fit with this regimented structure as a symbol of order and discipline, just a soldier should be - neat, organised and obedient. Look again at Owen's sonnets - how do they differ? What does this say about the poet's beliefs of war? How does the unpredictable syllabic rhythm reflect the poems' topics? Also consider how the rhyme scheme is harsher than Brooke's poem; more assonance is used which creates an aural dissonance in the readers, which is noticed more in 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' than 'Futility', and this then links back to how language effects the reception of the poem. The assonance is not noticed so much in 'Futility' as the darkest word featured here is "toil". It's a much softer, submissive poem. Then consider the context - particularly the presence of religion. Conducting external research (I greatly recommend) you will come to find Owen had many differing views about what he believed to be a very hypocritical Church and religion, and questioned the validity of a religion whose God would stand by and let war rage without intervening. So, factoring this in to 'Futility', how are Owen's religious beliefs reflected here? The poem features a second over-riding theme - the theme of nature. Nature is shown to be more powerful than God in this poem because at the time, Owen doubted God's existence and believed the real powers of the earth to lie within nature - nature will take care of the dead body and it's soul, not God. How does this differ from the staunchly patriotic Brooke who (again, contextual knowledge is required here), having never been to war, can be considered a naive and idealistic hypocrite for his writings about what a soldier 'should' be? This is about the level of detail required from an A Level candidate expecting to attain top marks. Given that this is a coursework piece, candidates are expected to have a even coverage of poetic analysis (language, structure and context). The candidate here presents a very good response, though a little lacking in structural analysis, with much more focus needed on the contextual appreciation.
Response to question
This is a good piece of coursework, and one that delves to exceptional detail with regards to the language analysis of all three poems. It is not an easy task, comparing more than two poems, particularly if, like these three, there is so much to say about the language, structure and context. In terms of these, the candidate absolutely nails the language, exercising a brilliant attention to detail and considering a vast array of uses of language (e.g. titles, closing lines, opening lines). With regards to structure, the candidate make a good attempt, and covers at least a recognition of the use of sonnet structure (the introductory paragraph focuses very well on this but only when the facts are tied to the poem and the effectiveness of said actions identified can marks be earnt here, so there are considerably less marks awarded for structural analysis, particularly as there is no consideration of the rhyme scheme or the syllabic rhythm of the poems (a very important aspect of 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'). And finally, with regards to context, there is little that can be identified as a real understanding of the poet's motives, those these are perhaps implicit in the candidate's analysis. However, the analysis for 'Futility' does not appear as sufficient as the others. This imbalance is probably caused by focusing too much on language, and 'Futility' has so much more than simply language to consider, and is one of the poems where context features heavily (more on this in "Level of Analysis"). Because of this apparent imbalance, the candidate's marks are limited slightly further. I would recommend trying to cover a more even spread of language and structure in the future, whilst integrating context as you do this.