Compare the ways in which Owen, Brooke and the Sassoon portray WW1

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Hannah Glass 9k2 Miss Price                                      

Unit of work: Poetry

Source: WW1 Poetry

Title: compare the ways in which Owen, Brooke and the Sassoon portray WW1

        World War one took place between 1914 and 1918. Owen, Sassoon and Brooke were all poets and soldiers during the war. However, their poems had many similarities and differences, because of their different experiences. Owen and Sassoon actually fought in the war, whereas Brooke never made it into battle as he died on the boat from Malaria.

        The audience varies for the different poems. Owens’s audience is people in the future generations who want to go to war.

                “You will not tell with such high zest”

        In this quote we can tell Owen is not pleased with another generation dying from ambition and propaganda. Equally Sassoon doesn’t agree with war and writes his poem for people who haven’t experienced war and the horror of living in the trenches.

        In contrast Brooke writes to men to men to encourage theme to enlist and join the war.

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                “A pulse in the eternal mind”

        This suggests that Brooke believes the soldiers will always be remembered for fighting for England... Whereas Brooke has a patriotic and idealistic attitude, Sassoon and Owen have a stark hate towards war.

                “The old lie: Dulce et decorum est  pro patria mon”

        We can see very clearly from this how Owen feels towards war. He doesn’t see the point of going over to another country and fighting for a piece of land. Equally Sassoon feels the same.

        However, Brooke feels very different about the state and attitude of war.


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*** 3 Stars A good essay which uses PEE effectively throughout though there are times when Sassoon needs to be quoted more and certain statements need to be supported by a quote. Some good analysis of language and structure. Writer clearly understands poems and looks at the differences and similarities throughout the essay. A good conclusion which summarises the essay and allows the writer to give their personal response.