Conflict And Co-operation - We have been set a task to find out the effects of conflict on individuals using the First World War.

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Conflict And Co-operation


We have been set a task to find out the effects of conflict on individuals using the First World War. We will be evaluating the sources we were given, plus the source we have chosen. We will be judging them and seeing how reliable and useful they are. Sources A and B are both primary evidence, this means that they were written by people who were actually in the war. They know what they’re talking about but you can’t be sure if they’re completely honest.

Sources C and D are secondary evidence, this means that they have been adapted from somewhere and researched. Source E is they source of our own choice, the information I have chosen for it is secondary evidence.

Sources A and B

Source A is an extract from an Autobiography by Siegfried Sassoon, it was written in 1928, ten years after the war ended. It is a good source because it tells us how he felt being in the trenches whilst in the war; “lugging rolls of concertina wire along a narrow trench swilling with mud and water wasn’t much fun”, “I could see the ruined village below the hill and the leafless trees; there seemed no comfort left in my life”.

The war affected him so much that even lost his faith in Jesus.

The strengths in this source are that it has been written by someone who was actually in the war at the time, so it is all first hand/primary evidence. There is no reason for him to have lied about anything because he wouldn’t have written a book about how it was in the war if he wanted to hide his feelings or not tell the whole truth.

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The weaknesses in this source are that it was written ten years after the war so the author may have forgotten things or may have blocked things out of his mind because they were too painful to remember. Source A is only a tiny extract from the whole of his book so we don’t get the whole story, only the bit that was chosen for us.

The source is not completely fair because it only tells gives us one view of what it was like and only from a British soldiers point of view, not from the opposition.

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