Creative writing about George and Lennie.

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Stumbling through the wet grass the two came frantically running, looking behind them at every few strides, breathing hard, disturbing the green grass and disrupting the harmony of the birds sitting in trees chirping and whistling the final songs of the day, while dogs barked and people shouted far behind them. A voice could be heard shouting above the crowd

“They’re headed for the fields, com’on!”

George grumbled, breathing frantically “Damnit!... com’on you crazy bastard, they near got us!”

“I’m trying George, I swear but I’s tired” Lennie wheezed

The two were passing fields, when they came to an irrigation ditch, George thought about it and he pulled lennie into the ditch with him.

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“Get your head down!” George shouted but lennie didn’t do a thing, George annoyed, shoved him under the murky water, they could hear the shouts getting closer and the dogs growling. A man said

“Where the hell did they get to?” another close to him said

“The dog’s ave lost the scent they musta went thru that ditch and off into the woods, no way we could get them now”

“Damn…… ok everyone back to the town for a head count then we can all go home, its getting late”

With these words saw George give a sigh of ...

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