Creative Writing - Life in Africa as the White Man Arrives.

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        Nicholas Westfall



                                                   The Dobe Paper

        Hello my name is !Nick, I reside in the Dobe area, and I struggle daily to meet basic essential needs for survival. I’m 17 and I keep to myself if at all possible.  Every day is labor intensive and tiring.  Our tribe leader !Megan, a very strong but delicate woman, fights for land and makes group decisions. I do not know what our future will be.  This life is a tradition which is all I know.  We are steadily increasing in size and this is becoming a problem due to the fact we need more water, food, shelter.  I don’t understand why we keep moving around like this.

        !Huma is a wonderful time of year.  With these spring rains, brings a restored order to my wilderness.  My environment has new growth and is flourishing.  This brings me hope of another year without starvation and death, but only time will tell.  Our rainfall is inconsistent and so far its turning out to be a great start compared to our last !Gaa.  When it rains it allows our waterhole to refill, plants to grow, animals to reproduce, and most of all raise moral amongst our great tribe.

        More days have gone by and more resources have been gathered.  This prosperous season is this blessing we have been praying for.  All of our plants are sprouting.  This is a great site to see.  Soon there will be a surplus of non-meats.  My favorite snack is mongongo nuts.  I gather these nuts to do my part by contributing back to the tribe, however I usually keep a few back for myself so I can eat them late at night.  It seems the other members aren’t working very hard and aren’t doing their part to contribute.  How am I supposed to tell !Megan?  How am I going to present her with this problem?  I don’t want the other members to gang up on me.  Is this what I get for keeping a few nuts to myself?  Maybe I’ll put them all in the bag next time.

        This rain is starting to get to me.  Everything around me is decaying and rotten because of the water.  My shelter really needs improved, but every time I fix it, we are getting ready to move.  Moving is our way of life and I feel like I’m always on the run. I’m never settled down and it is as if I have zero security. There is no particular way I can ever feel safe living this way.   I have heard stories on my travels of White men that visited other local areas and have seen their gifts. I wonder when the White man will bring me gifts.  I could use some of their amazing objects.  I’m very curious if !Megan will ever decide to settle down in one place.  There must be another place.  Other tribes are settling down and building villages.  Why can’t I live in a village? Someday maybe we’ll all have a village to call home and not a rotten shelter.

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        Bara is finally here!  More rain, but still more food. It’s so hot.  There seems to be no escape from the heat unless you stand directly in the rain.  Oh well at least I’m almost ready to hunt.  While modifying my bird trap I began to hear a commotion on the other side of our recent gathering site.  I heard shouting laughter and I didn’t know what to make of it.  I also heard a noise I could not describe.  It was like a whiny thunder, no more of a wrapping of sticks back and forth against a shelter, no, ...

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