Critical Appriciation of the Two Minuets Hate in 1984

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Write a critical appreciation of pages 16-18 “in its second… uttering a prayer”. How does the two minutes hate contribute to your understanding of the nightmare world in which Winston lives?

The two minutes hate is almost a celebration of a cult, a sort of gathering of religious fanatics to honour their ruler, Big Brother. Orwell uses it to show the expressions of anarchy amongst the ‘leaping and shouting’ people and how this would be their only chance to express their human feelings in the nightmare society in which they are forced to live. Winston’s dystopian world is displayed in Orwell’s unsympathetic parody of the two minutes silence in commemoration of WWII and epitomises the ‘frenzy’ of emotions, the terror and violent culture that Winston has to tolerate. His elaborate view of religious or political fanatics scrutinises these kinds of obsessions and demonstrates how it can over-power a person’s life. 

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    Control is one of the main components of the two minutes hate. The people are helpless, they are ‘like that of a landed fish’ in the robotic machine that is Big Brother. They cannot escape from ‘the voice’ that ‘continued inexorably’ and there is no escapism to be had in the ‘frenzy’ of voices yelling at the screen. This reflects a nightmare that is inescapable until we awake. Winston longs to awaken in a society capable of love, without suffering, but it seems he knows that can never arise. The world for Winston is a steady destruction of ...

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The Quality of Written Communication is excellent also. The candidate confidently uses their knowledge of the English language to express their analysis. There is no cause for concern with regards to spelling, punctuation or grammar. The only issue I have is that the candidate does not use quotation marks when quoting from the source text, and instead uses inverted commas. Candidates at A Level really ought to know that quotation marks are used for quotes from published sources, and inverted commas are used for the titles of said published sources (e.g. 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'). Though unlikely to lose marks here, just be careful with some of the more picky exam boards.

The Level of Analysis here is very good, The analysis is in abundance and very often to a depth that satisfies the mark scheme easily. With frequent use of embedded quotes (which are effective because they help the essay flow at the same time as supporting the analysis), this candidate can expect to reach a high A grade for their efforts here. The candidate considers a number of things that Orwell tries to tell us as well as how the Two Minutes Hate is reflecting his religious, political and social views. The study of Winston's character and the changes the Two Minutes Hate induce in him are very impressive and show an excellent level of detail being considered during analysis. This is an excellent essay.

This is a very strong and competent response which exercises great analytical skills here. The candidate clearly possesses an extensive knowledge of the novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and has studied Orwell's intentions with the novel. This external research and contextual appreciation being integrated within the answer is a great way to show the examiners that you have the incentive to conduct extra research into the purposes of the studied text in order to fortify your answer with knowledge that sets your essay one above the rest. The structure here is also good, as the candidate coherently forms a powerful essay with an strong introduction that explains the Two Minutes Hate and it's purpose, and a similarly effective concluding paragraph. All in all a stellar essay.