Critical Essay: 'The Catcher In the Rye' "Choose a novel which deals with the theme of isolation. By referring to the novel closely, examine the techniques the writer uses to portray this theme."

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Critical Essay: ‘The Catcher In the Rye’                

“Choose a novel which deals with the theme of isolation. By referring to the novel closely, examine the techniques the writer uses to portray this theme.”

‘The Catcher In the Rye’, written by J.D. Salinger is a bildungsroman in which Holden Caulfield, a misanthropic sixteen-year-old, narrates a story concerning three, eventful days of his life. Among the several themes successfully portrayed throughout the novel, the theme of isolation is most prominent, as Holden constantly feels detached from the society in which he lives. The reasons for this are various but are mainly due to the fact that Holden is unhappy with the world he lives in and what it values. His dislikes for the world around him cause him to withdraw into a state of isolation and this serves as a form of self-protection from the ‘phonies’ that he finds so unbearable.

It is at the start of the novel that that Holden is initially perceived as being an outsider to the society around him. At ‘Pencey Prep.’, he reveals his strong emotions on a number of instances and the reader soon learns that he does not appear to have any true friends. An example of this is shown after his fight with Stradlater when he admits to himself that he was “feeling so lonesome and rotten, I even felt like waking Ackley up”. This quotation clearly illustrates the extent of Holden’s loneliness at Pencey and is a strong indication of how he is an outsider. This is because, through Holden’s narration, the reader has learnt that Ackley is one of Pencey’s social rejects and is someone who people rarely talk to, let alone confide in. Therefore, the very fact Holden is even considering talking to Ackley indicates his desperation to find a friend. This desperation has stemmed from the fact that he has isolated himself from those around him, making him feel lonely. In the above quotation, Holden admits that he is lonely and what he says clearly suggests that he has nobody to talk to. Additionally, the very fact Ackley is asleep indicates that even the social rejects of Pencey are not there for Holden and that he really is in a state of isolation.

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As the novel develops, the reader begins to get the impression that Holden uses his isolation as a way of protecting himself. An example of this is shown when he is in Ernie’s nightclub: “So I left. It made me mad, though, when I was getting my coat. People are always ruining things for you.” This illustrates how Holden reacts when Lillian Simons asks him to join her for a drink. Holden immediately makes an excuse that he has to meet somebody and leaves the club. He does this because he does not want to talk to her since she ...

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The writer provides an engaged response, which refers to several different parts of the text but never really addresses the 'techniques' part of the question. Consider the importance of viewpoint, setting, structure & symbolism. ***