Death of a Salesman

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Death of a Salesman

From the outset death of a salesman portrays the pitfalls of the American dream. The dream centred on the high chance that anyone can strike it rich in this Land of opportunity. Even in 1950s USA people were still taking a chance on this myth. Death of a Salesman shows the traps of the dream. The failures centred on poor Willy Loman This fine line between making it and become your average Joe becomes heavily apparent when Willy decides he has had enough and kills himself. Willy begins to believe that [In a thick American accent] “No man needs a little salary.” Willy perceives himself lower than everybody else partly due to his low wages. One of his great dreams would just be  “forty dollars a week” but his new generation bosses decide even his 34 years of experience wont warrant him a proper salary.

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        Now if Willy Loman a salesman of 34 years cannot even command a low rate salary what is the profession coming to? The book marks the passing of time, where no longer men can simply become great being simple salesmen. They can no longer just roll up with a big smile and sell their good. Being known like Willy was just aint cutting it any more. Dave Singleman had pioneered the traditional salesman. One who could sell over the phone in any state? When Willy dies this breed of gentleman passes. Sadly, Willy never realises the coming news. As a ...

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