Diary extracts from a soldier in the trenches - WWI

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Dear Diary,

        1916, September 18th. I was looking forward to going in to war; it sounded adventurous! It started out to be great, early yesterday morning crowds applauded us and the bands playing.

        We arrived at the trenches later that day, our bags big and bulky and our backs already starting to ache. It was dirty and looked a mess. The trenches were smelly and very muddy! We had a couple of hours to practise and work on our techniques. We had only been practising for about an hour and already it was becoming hard work. We were walking through trenches all day and night, trampling through knee-high mud in the hot and humid weather.

        Although it was fascinating being there, I had begun to realise what being in war was actually like! Over the past few hours the sun soon started to turn to rain and thick, heavy clouds displaced bright, white ones. The weather kept on changing as we were walking and my clothes were drenched. We finally stayed in one place of the trenches. Guns were being fired and bombs exploding. People already being injured or even killed. I was frightened but knew I had to keep my strength and courage going. The trenches were confusing, I was just following the other men because they looked as if they knew what they were doing.

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        I am missing my family so much, my daughter, son and loving wife Kimberly. I love them with all my heart and I just hope that one day I’ll be re-united with them, sooner rather than later! I’m going to go now hopefully I’ll be able to write soon. God Bless you Kimberly, Anne and David.

                Bye xx 

Dear Diary,

        1916,October about the 4th. It’s been about 6 weeks now. It’s really hard to keep clean, especially with no clean water! I have a bar of soap and a little ...

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