Did Poems, Paintings, songs, stories, and Films about the western Front give a more accurate picture of soldiers’ experiences than official accounts?

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Did Poems, Paintings, songs, stories, and Films about the western Front give a more accurate picture of soldiers’ experiences than official accounts?

1st May 1915:

William Milton, foreman of Lyons Hall farm, dose not approve of all the recruiting posters on tree trunks and walls. “If the government want more men let them take idlers not workmen. Unless the war is over before August there will not be enough men for the harvest”.

The men say ‘we will go when we like, or when we are ordered.’

Conscription being just, would be welcome.

9th May 1915:

The annoyance of the farm-labourers with the recruitment campaign is show by the fact that every recruitment poster has been torn down.

This is an unofficial document and is a personal account of what farmers in Essex felt about the pressure put on men to join the armed forces. It was written in the diary of an Essex Clergyman, the reverend Andrew Clark. It tells us that the farmers were none to happy about the government taking all the workmen and believed that the country would soon be in ruin if the war didn’t end by August. This source gives us a rare insight of what people working in agriculture at the time thought would happen if most of the working men went off to fight in the war. This source is very reliable because it was written in a dairy, which was not begin written for the public and so is censored by the government. Although it is a reliable source it only tells us of what farmers in this particular part of the country felt like and dose not tell me what people felt like in other parts of the country.


In this essay I will try to include many of my views and opinions to answer the question Did Poems, Paintings, songs, stories, and Films about the western Front give a more accurate picture of soldiers’ experiences than official accounts? I will try and back up my views and opinions with relevant sources. Using official and unofficial accounts and sources I will try and argue for both side of the argument and then answer the above question by writing my conclusion.

The western front was formed when Germany tried to invade France quickly by bypassing the French defences in the border between France and Germany, by moving the German army through Belgium. Then the German army would move to the east and attack the Russians before they were ready to attack and help the French. This was the Schlieffen Plan, but it failed because Belgium refused to let the German army march though to France so the Germans had to fight them. They also had to fight the British because Belgium had sign a treaty with them saying that Britain would protect it to keep it neutral. The Russians were also ready for war faster then anyone predicted and thousands of troops had to the east to deal with them. Trenches were dug to stop the enemy advancing further. By 1914 trench lines stretched all the way from the Belgian coast down to Switzerland. The opposing forces had reached a stalemate; this was the western front.

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Official account are more bias the government tries to keep morale at home high so people would still be enthusiastic about the war. News was censored so news about the war was often short and factual but only every told the reader or listener the successes and not the defeats of the war in Europe. The following source is a news paper article written in the Daily Record on 28th April 1915 this is a classic example of what censored news was like at the time. The headline reads; Enemy compelled to cease fighting. ...

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