Do you think that the lines of the Chorus which end Doctor Faustus sum up satisfactorily the meaning of the play?

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Do you think that the lines of the Chorus which end Doctor Faustus sum up satisfactorily the meaning of the play?

The Chorus provides several subjective and realistic appraisals of the play in different sections, providing a clear and concise explanation of the characters and the events. The epilogue is no different to any of these previous interventions.

However, the question remains as to whether the chorus 'sums up satisfactorily the meaning of the play?' This can be answered in one of two ways, depending on whether you consider the epilogue as a summary of the play and the dangers posed, or as a brief explanation of the plays moral message.

If the Chorus is used as a summary of the play then it fails to meet the required criteria and therefore cannot be considered as satisfactory. This is because the play is in no way explained and the audience is not clearly reminded of the plays beginning, this is only hinted at - 'Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight'. The play is also briefly mentioned when Faustus has descended into hell, as is implied by the sentence 'Regard his hellish fall'. Apart from these brief references the Chorus simply laments the life of Faustus, the fact that he was a great scholar who was tempted by evil and eventually lost everything that he held dear.
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For example, the initial image of the 'branch that might have grown full straight' having been 'cut' implies that Faustus' talent was undeniable and his potential to succeed was limitless. Instead it became twisted and deformed, as can be expected when a branch is cut, Faustus' genius was wasted because of his desire and greed for more, similar to a person when cutting a branch, they ruin the plant because they desire more from it.

The description of Faustus as 'Apollo's laurel bough' indicates that Faustus was a true genius and that this cannot be forgotten, regardless ...

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