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Subject:  the poem is a Greek mythological poem about King Midas of Phrygia who had his wish granted everything he touches turns into gold. The poem is about the consequences of choosing money and greed which is presented to the readers through the wife’s perspective.  Duffy presents a wide range of emotions through Mrs. Midas’s persona.  Mrs. Midas complains about his husband’s selfishness and greed.  Duffy gives a voice to women unheard in history.

Duffy takes a historical character and translates them into present day.  “Mrs. Midas” turns the noble king Phrygia into a pathetic greed middle-aged man.

The mood changes as the poem proceeds, reaching its peak of fear in the fifth to eleventh stanza then calmly comes down as Midas draws close to death. The language the character uses informs the reader about the mood of the poem. In the second and third of the first stanza Midas uses personified the kitchen as “its steamy breath gently blanching the windows”. This sets the calm relaxing atmosphere of the poem before the crisis. The poem is calm because Mrs. Midas uses smoothly and well-skilled sentences.  The intonation changes suddenly, the sentences become short and factual lexis is used. For example in the fifth stanza Mr. Midas said “I moved the phone”. Mrs. Midas does this to make the situation seem more urgent chaotic and panicky. Short sentences are used in this poem to speed p the narration as the chaos happens in the poem.  After the crisis is over, she reverts to her earlier relaxing mood. For example she said in last stanza Mrs. Midas said “I miss most, even now, his warm hands on my skin, his touch”.

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The language of the poem used by Mrs. Midas is elevated register. She uses descriptive lexis in the poem. This will be described further in the analysis.

The poem is a universal, therefore everyone can read it.  The poem is moral lesson. For example in the sixth stanza Mrs. Midas said “it feeds no one” talking about gold. The moral lesson Duffy tries to teach us is money is a means to an end not an end, meaning money can be used to pay food to feed a person but it can’t physically feed a person.  Money is not a ...

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