English Coursework Monologue Analysis

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Commentary Analysis of Work Worries, Stimulus Text: ‘Animal Farm’ -949 words

 ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell inspired the creation of my monologue ‘Work Worries’, both pieces of writing share similarities and differences. ‘Animal Farm’ is focused around communism and leadership, in work worries the main theme is leadership. ‘Animal Farm’s inspiration no doubt came from the Russian revolution and the communist state, whereas I modernised my piece as based around the current recession in the UK.

  I divided my work into four separate sections; the beginning where the main character and narrator Adam, is furious about an incident that has just occurred, “ARGH! Why is it always me?” From here he moves on to thinking back to the start of the new boss’ reign in the office, then the narrator reminisces what the workplace used to be like when the old boss was in charge, and then he ends the piece contemplating his future. This contrasts ‘Animal Farm’ due to the fact my pieces form is different. The content of my piece compares to ‘Animal Farm’ as in George Orwell’s piece he describes throughout the story a leader who members of the group have a problem with and feel he should never have been elected leader, similarly in ‘Work Worries’ where Adam wants Mr Gill the new boss out of the office and back to how it used to be.

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  In my piece Adam asks lots of rhetorical questions such as “will I be able to pay the rent?”, to create the effect of Adam asking himself these questions, thinking and worrying and also to get the reader involved and thinking about these questions and asking themselves what would I do in this situation.  I used repetition in Adam asking himself these same questions which can compare to ‘Animal Farm’ where Napoleon often gets the group singing the chant “Beasts of England” when in times of trouble.

  ‘Animal Farm’ is narrated in the third person with lots of ...

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