English Shakespeare

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Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of love in “As You Like It”

By Daniel Pears

Love has always been a foremost feature of the plays written by William Shakespeare and “As You Like It” is no exception with love regularly being represented throughout the play in a variety of ways.

 Just like in Shakespeares other works “As You Like It” is also broken down in to a  main plot, which is then accompanied by smaller sub-plots that are scattered thorughout the play. Shakerspeare along with the play “As You Like It” skillfully uses these plots well to demonstrate various types of love.

 One variety of love that Shakespeare anylyses deeply is that of courtly love, whose ideas featured heavily around the fact that love brings suffering and agony to the lover and the theory that the male lover is controlled by his mistress to whom he must adhere to. Courtly Love had become a popular subject to write about during Shakespeare’s Elizabethan period and was also strongly evident in english literature for centuries previously.  

The concept of pastoral romance is also expressed in “As You Like It” , in which characters in rural countryside areas appear to act freely and joyfully , and this causes relationships to revel successfully and contently. In other words Pastoral romance seems to betray the countryside in stories as some sort of catalyst speeding up the progress and success of overall relationships.  On the other hand life in the court seems to lack this optimism and instead living in developed areas (towns, villages, cities etc) seems to damage love between characters due to the stress and demand of court life. This type of romance is also strongly associated with disguise and the thought of characters falling in love with the opposite sex even when in disguise.  

The love in Shakespeare’s plays was recognised by the public of the Elizabethan period who had a good understanding about how genuine and pure love was between characters along with a good perception of the characters personalities (such as social status) just through the language they spoke during the play.

The relationships in “As You Like It” are tested in one way or another, as most  have to overcome obstacles and problems in order to succeed The particular relationships we see in the play symbolize and highlight the variant types of love that William Shakespeare wishes to explore. For example the familial love between the brothers of Orlando and Oliver, Duke Frederick and Duke Senior are emphasized due to the fact that both relationships are struggling and are under much tension when in normal circumstances you would presume this type of Familial relationship to prosper solidily, but alternatively have crumbled consistently.

 The relationship amid Orlando and his eldest borther, Oliver has reached an even more dire state, due to the recent event of their father Sir Rowland de Boys tragically dying for reasons unknown to us. Since this death of Sir Rowland de Boys Oliver and Orlando have been at conflict over the acts of Oliver who is restricting Orlando from receiving a gentleman’s education even though their father had wished him to have one.  Both characters deal with this issue by becoming heated and ill-tempered towards each other. This is shown in Act 1 Scene 1 where Oliver says:

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         Oliver and Orlando’s relationship changes significantly during the course of the play and it is seen that the countryside and its links to pastoral romance are responsible for the reformation of their relationship.  This is true because the turning point of their complex relationship takes place in the countryside to where Orlando’s act of decency, (when he saves Oliver’s life from a viscous Lioness) provokes Oliver to want to become a more amiable person.  

        Also the romantic relationships of the brothers between Rosalind and Celia respectfully seems to show ...

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