English Text Analysis. Text C is a interactional conversation that takes place between three siblings

Harry Radecki
Text Analysis: Text C
Text C is a interactional conversation that takes place between three siblings: Sophie (who is seven years old), Abraham (5 years old) and Katie (3 years old). They are all settling down for a bedtime story. The type of conversation is a spontaneous conversation
As they are all very young, apart from J, it affects the conversation. As they are young the language that they use is very simplistic with basic sentence structure and grammar. The younger they are the less advanced their language is. An example of the language used is: “Yeah, start at the very meginning”. This is said by Sophie who is seven, she uses slang of “yeah” showing that the conversation is informal, this is because it is between her and her mother. She also says “meginning”; this is the mispronunciation of ‘beginning’. This is probably due to her age as she may not have learnt to pronounce the ‘b’ sound properly. Also, what she is saying is very impolite as it is an order without use of manners or hedges. This is another indication of the informality of the conversation as she speaks impolitely yet J doesn’t mind.

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Quite a brief analysis which does use terminology accurately but quotes need to be used throughout when analysing language. Quite simply written with some repetition of key phrases. Readers are not sure who J is until further into the essay. 2 Stars