Examine the methods and techniques used by writers of three stories you have studied to create sympathy for marginalized characters.

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Beth French

English Coursework Short Stories

Examine the methods and techniques used by writers of three stories you have studied to create sympathy for marginalized characters.

Many writers during the Victorian period felt impelled to write about people being exploited. The Industrial Revolution exaggerated the inequality and helped to enhance a patriarchal society ruled by men and women were deemed to be sinners. Many ignorant people did not understand emotional instability, and often labelled it as insanity. Some elements of the Victorian time were explored and highlighted by important writers such as Hardy and Dickens who underlines ordinary human experiences to make a difference.

‘The Withered Arm’ is the story that highlights a woman who is marginalized in her society for bearing an illegitimate son by Farmer Lodge. The Farmer continues his life unaltered and remarries a young woman who eventually becomes a victim of his neglect. Dickens presents a similar sympathetic view of women in ‘The Black Veil’, which tells the story of a suffering woman in poverty who is shown affection by a young practitioner when she asks for his help. Whilst Collins presents a comparable story in ‘The Dream Women’, he does this less sympathetically, warning the reader not to be fooled by women. Collins comes across as a misogynist and rather more against women than for.

The title ‘A Lorn Milkmaid’ immediately creates imagery of a lonely woman for the reader. Hardy forms the setting of “an eighty-cow dairy and [a] troop of milkers” and this draws comparison to “fading women of thirty [milking] somewhat apart from the rest”. This emphasises Rhoda’s isolation and the fact that she literally works a different side of the barn to rest, symbolises her position among her fellow workers.

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Farmer Lodge remarries ill-fated Gertrude who is presented as a ‘saint’ and Rhoda, who is his previous partner, is portrayed as a ‘sinner’. Their physical attributes help to endorse this point, with Gertrude’s fair hair and her angelic quality whereas Rhoda bears her illegitimate child and has dark features. Rhoda is described “though the paler of the two, there was more of the strength that endures in her well-defined features and large frame…”

Drawing back to Victorian time, the lacks of understanding of women lead to gossip and false notion. This is passed over to ‘The Withered Arm’ ...

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