Examine the way Walker and Winterson explore the issues of gender and sexuality, with particular reference to women, in their novels.

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Examine the way Walker and Winterson explore the issues of gender and sexuality, with particular reference to women, in their novels.

Examine – To inspect carefully or in detail.

Gender – The state of being male, female or neuter.

Sexuality – Relating to the differences between males and females, characterized by sex.


  • Celie and Shug – lesbian relationship
  • Jeanette and Melanie, Katie, Miss Jewsberry
  • Structure – Lesbian feelings in both characters are not revealed until their feelings about men are revealed. (Celie's attitude to sex, Jeanette and her uncle)

“I think about Shug Avery. I know what he doing to me he done to Shug Avery and maybe she like it. I put my arm round him”

“he came over and put his face close…. And rubbed his spikey chin against my face. I hated him.

“‘Sweet hearts for a sweet heart’ he said. That day I had almost strangles my dog with rage… sweet I was not.

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  • Paper shop couple – Jeanette’s mothers views, they are not accepted

in the society – Jeanette’s confusion, creates humour

“She said they dealt in unnatural passions. I thought she meant they put chemicals in their sweets.

  • Oranges – Lesbian bildungsroman
  • Comedy

“She said they dealt in unnatural passions. I thought she meant they put chemicals in their sweets.”

“Next time he come I put a little Shug Avery pee in his glass”

  • Autobiographical

“At the time of publication, Winterson admitted it’s autobiographical nature. More recently, she has attempted to separate herself more from her writing” ...

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