Explain how carter uses language to change the voice of the narrator throughout the bloody chamber

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Explain how carter uses language to change the voice of the narrator throughout the bloody chamber

Carter uses language devices to reflect change in the narrator’s voice throughout. For example, “most pornographic of confrontations” this is metaphorical imagery. As pornography is sex from a secondary perspective this shows the narrators reaction to the prospect of sex, an element of self detachment, as pornography is the act of sex as viewed from an outsider. This show’s that the narrator feels vulnerable and uncomfortable with the proposed sexual act. It could suggest that she is using metaphorical imagery to emotionally distance herself from the situation, as to describe a potential sexual encounter using language other than what is literally occurring could suggest that she is trying to remove her feelings from it. However, the mention of pornography could outline the feeling of shame the narrator feels, as it is affiliated with social taboos and embarrassment. This would show that through her materialistic intent she is begrudgingly in a sexual situation, with the man she is only with for his fortune. She might feel like a prostitute through this, and therefore shameful for her choices. Carter uses this device to express that sex should be entirely consensual, not just through acceptance of it, but for both partners to want to under no pressure or feeling of shame.

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Later, the theme of sex is furtherly explored and language is used again to represent change in the narrator’s voice. For example, “her cunt a split fig” this is heightened language. This could indicate an imitation of the marquis’s attitude towards sex, confrontational and desensitized. Therefore showing that through a self realization of shame through her materialistic intentions and for where they led her, she may believe that she is no better than him, and therefore is acting like him. The juxtaposition of reaction towards sex in the novel could indicate that she perhaps is mentally damaged to an ...

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