Explore the ways in which Journeys End presents ideas about heroism. Compare and contrast this with the presentation of heroism in Blackadder Goes Forth and evaluate the view that Journeys End celebrates heroism, whereas Blackadder Goes Forth does not.

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Explore the ways in which “Journey’s End” presents ideas about heroism. Compare and contrast this with the presentation of heroism in “Blackadder Goes Forth” and evaluate the view that “Journey’s  End” celebrates heroism, whereas “Blackadder Goes Forth” does not.                   “Journey’s End” is a complex play laced with ideas about heroism. As it was written by a war veteran, the messages involved should be credible and insightful. “Journey’s End” does seem to celebrate heroism as it is a very dominant theme within the play, and it is shown in both various ways. In contrast, “Blackadder Goes Forth” doesn’t exactly look on heroism as a good aspect of the war (or something to celebrate), but more of a necessity. However, both dramas do show opposing views, from Hibbert’s initial cowardice to Stanhope’s obligated bravery and from George’s naive enthusiasm to Blackadder’s desperation to escape: it could easily be argued that the writers were trying to present views that both celebrate heroism and do not.                   “Journey’s End” incorporates heroism very thoroughly to give the audience an understanding of the circumstances the soldiers had to face. Hibbert is a perfect example, as he is an officer that is reluctant to stay in the trenches any longer – so fakes his neuralgia in an attempt to leave. His anxiety breaks through to the surface, as he argues with Stanhope: “I swear I’ll never go into those trenches again”. Yet Stanhope’s mantra is “just go on sticking it out”, and he manages to persuade Hibbert with very patriotic speech, telling him to “take the chance, old chap”. Stanhope is the voice of reason here and speaks almost as Hibbert’s conscience.  Hibbert is required to be brave despite being incredibly fearful and flighty. Fear is relentless within each of the
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characters, but its concealment is what differs. Although in “Blackadder Goes Forth”, George is at the other extreme with his boyish over-enthusiasm, due to his naivety and upper-class background. This inadvertently makes him a hero, at least in the eyes of someone like General Melchett, for being so eager and committed. Yet in “Goodbyeee”, George’s character is developed as he admits his fear of death – which suggests he’s been aware of the dangers for quite some time and perhaps just feels inclined to fight “for king and country”. This isn’t unheroic by any means, but somewhat tragic, and it’s ...

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