Frankenstien;In her 1831 introduction to the novel Shelley explained how she wanted to 'curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart'. Do you think she achieves her aim? Look closely at chapter 20.
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In her 1831 introduction to the novel Shelley explained how she wanted to ‘curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart’. Do you think she achieves her aim? Look closely at chapter 20.
Shelley’s aim to ‘curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart’ of the reader instantly prepares the reader for a gothic novel with traditional themes such as, tampering with unknown sciences, revenge, the role of women at the peril of male figures, murder and many more. A typical quality within gothic literature is the physical reactions of characters and how they are portrayed as carrying out dramatic motions in response to events in the novel, in order to emphasise the terror or ghastliness of what they are witnessing. This physical reaction is the key effect Shelley is trying to put upon the reader. This heightens the sense of terror throughout the book.
Another point referencing to gothic literature in Shelley’s 1931 introduction is her explanation of how the idea for the novel came to her through a dream, dreams are used within the novel to create a sense of unease and foreboding.
It has been said, when looking at the structure of the novel, Shelley tries to induce the feelings of unease and instability, ‘many critics have described the novel itself as monstrous, a stitched-together combination of different voices, texts, and tenses’. It has been considered however, that the way in which Shelley may have ‘curdled the blood’ of readers at the time of the novels publish may differ to that of contemporary reader. The alteration in priorities of values in society has greatly changed meaning so may the reader’s responses.
Shelley creates many running themes throughout the novel, most of which are traditionally for gothic literature pieces, chapter 20 seems to be a crucial point in the novel in which many themes are concentrated to give the chapter a true sense of gothic terror. The first prominent theme in this chapter is the tampering with unknown science in this case to give life. This is one theme that may be considered very differently by a contemporary audience as the creation of life has many religious values. Going against religion in the early 19th century would have been far more shocking to general society than it would in modern times as there is a diverse society meaning less prominent religious values are held by as vaster majority as in the past. The tampering with scientific knowledge also may have provoked more terror in readers at the time of publishing people were only just beginning to expose the scientific possibilities and did not know their full extent. Our generation of readers have been brought up in a more scientifically advances society and therefore may not feel as threatened by the possibilities science holds. At the begging of chapter 20 we are already aware that victor has produced a female companion for the monster yet has not given it life. In the chapters leading up to this event victor has once again made dealing in this dark science his sole objective, isolated he has worked for many months on the creatures form, extremely similarly to the way he had done whilst creating the first monster, this builds up tension for the climatic destruction of the being he has previously put so much work. The scientific and religious implications alone create an atmosphere of inevitable trouble. Victor has already been in this exact situation and his horror at his first creation, and the misfortunes that it had brought leads the reader to instantly believe nothing good can come out of usurping god and giving an un natural being life.
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