Ghost Story Essay.

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Ghost Story Essay


It was the battle of 1801; the lives of thousands of people had been lost in the battle between two rival groups in York.  The two sides, the Roundheads led by General M. Taylor and the Caxtons led by Commander L. Jackson.  Both leaders wouldn’t back down; thousands of innocent people were slaughtered by the horrendous commands they received.  The battle lasted several days, the Roundheads came out victorious.  On the final day of the fighting the sky turned grey and gloomy, slowly the rain started and turned the battlefield into a bloody bog.  The blood spread into a nearby village permanently staining the ground as a constant reminder of the events in 1801.  A large operation to bury the bodies of any soldier who were brutally murdered was constructed.  As the operation was under way most of the men who were burying the soldiers, mostly close friends and relatives felt an eerie presence.  Even though the sun was beaming down on the battlefield many people reported that suddenly they would go completely cold, this would only be in certain place and would only last a matter of seconds then it would go warm again.

A hundred years past and the site of the battle had begun to be converted into an inn. Whilst under construction items such as timber were mysteriously disappearing only to reappear in another place.  Ghostly images were seen on a regular basis and once the inn was completed no one occupied for another hundred years, as they were afraid of what terrors in held within it.  During this hundred years many villagers from neighbouring towns reported seeing candles float past windows, long high pitched noises could be heard and also odd shapes were seen floating past some of the many windows.

“Jon isn’t it wonderful” Emma said to her husband “just think of the possibilities we could open the inn in a matter of weeks”.

“What’s wrong with it” Jon asked the estate agent, to his surprise “nothing” was his reply.  “Why is it going so cheap?” Jon asked.

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“Because it has never been occupied and to be honest we haven’t had any interest in this house”

Emma and Jon went off to one side and started to mutter amongst themselves.  When they returned, straight away Jon said, “we will take it”.

Off they went to inspect what would need to be repaired.  To their surprise everything was intact and working well, it was as if someone had been looming after the house for the last couple of hundred years.  All that needed to be done to the house was that it needed was to be modernised.

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