The bus soon started to move slowly along the street. It was getting dark and the driver was not in the mood of speeding down the streets that led to my destination. The pace was slow and the sound of the dull panting of the motor was not new to my ears as I could hear it every time we would be halted by the three coloured lights or rush hour traffic. We got out of the traffic and passed through a quieter road that wasn’t in the normal route we normally pass from, but I did not worry. After leaving that street, we entered a tunnel, which was enveloped in darkness; only a dim light at the end could be seen.
The driver was progressing slowly through the dark cone, when all of a sudden the bus stopped. I kept my cool and did not panic, waiting for the driver to restart the engine. His attempts were in vain. Everyone was startled by this scene. I could hear an old lady muttering prayers and the deafening music that came from the teenager that stood beside me on the seat. The driver went out to check the engine, and that is when it happened. Maybe it was the darkness that engulfed the tunnel, or the driver was not in full control of his senses, but that didn’t matter. All I know is that we were hit by a huge force from another vehicle which came directly onto us with such power that the bus flipped on its side.
I lost consciousness and lay helpless for some minutes. Then regaining my senses, I was astounded at what I was seeing through my bloodshot eyes; injured passengers on board, car parts scattered on the ground, people in panic. Screams of agony were heard intermittently; at times they even faded the sirens of the ambulances that came to assist us.
Quickly we were taken to the hospital. I was put on a bed to recover from my injuries. About an hour later, my family came rushing to the hospital and assailed me with questions, but I reassured them that I was going to be fine, because I had only experienced minor injuries and the doctor said that I could go home when the nurses where done taking care of me.
Although this story may seem a bit out of the ordinary, I experienced every moment of it and I am glad it is over because even though it is a life learning experience, I did not take pleasure going home in that manner.