"Great Expectations"

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“Great Expectations”


        This Essay aims to examine the sympathy that Dickens created for his characters. I will be concentrating on two extracts from the novel “Great Expectations”. Extract one is when Pip and Magwitch meet initially; extract two is Pip’s first encounter with Miss Havisham. The three main characters I will be focusing on are Pip, Magwitch and Miss Havisham.


“Great Expectations” was written in the 1800’s, a time which suffered from grave poverty due to the government who offer no relief to the poor. Poverty and squallier was all around. Pickpockets, prostitutes, beggers and drunks were everywhere, desperate for money. Dickens was particularly effected by this because o his own childhood trauma. He was born into the middle class which allowed him to obtain an education. This was until his father was imprisoned for multiple debts, which forced Dickens and his family into a diminished standard of life. This meant that Dickens and was forced to work from an early age.

Whilst being poor himself he saw extreme poverty far greater than his own. He wrote about real life in his books, which showed the upper and middle classes, who read them, how awful the lifestyle of a poor person was.

Dickens creates sympathy for Pip through the use of setting. In the first extract Pip is in a cold, dark graveyard. This is and unpleasant place for a child to be because it is intimidating and a very lonely place for a child to be.

“And that small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry was Pip.”

This illustrates that Pip’s environment is bringing him down. The fact that he is shivering shows how cold he really is. He is clearly upset about where he is otherwise he would not cry. The description of the graveyard in comparison to Pip makes him sounds extremely small. Pip is too overwhelmed by his surrounding which could be why he is so upset. Also, his feelings of loneliness are portrayed by his depression about his family situation. “I never saw my father or mother.” This gives the impression that he misses them greatly. Furthermore, it tells us that he never met his parents, possibly that they died when he was very young. This makes him upset because he never knew them or what they were like. So other than the quote which states he was crying he has yet another reason to be in a sad and depressed state. The graveyard is a lonely place for Pip, especially as he is surrounded by his dead family.

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        However, in extract two, Pip’s environment changes. He is now in the huge house of Miss Havisham. The house is enormous yet it has lost its luster. A lot inside it looks unused, but old. Objects have lost their colours now with a hint of yellow.

        “No glimpse of daylight was to be seen in it.”

The quote helps to give the feeling of a dark and dreary place. This creates sympathy for Pip because he is in a huge house, that has long not been taken care of or used and he is scared and nervous. As ...

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