Had she intended ever to marry him, it might have been worthwhile to pause and consider, and try to understand the value of his preference, and the character of his temper. Discuss the significance of the relationship between Emma and Frank Churchill in the light of this comment.

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“Had she intended ever to marry him, it might have been worthwhile to pause and consider, and try to understand the value of his preference, and the character of his temper”. Discuss the significance of the relationship between Emma and Frank Churchill in the light of this comment.

Jane Austen explores the themes of love, social class and misperception in Emma. Emma and Frank Churchill’s relationship is based on lies and deceit. Emma see’s Frank as a potential love interest, because they both belong to the same social class and they would make a perfect match, this gives us an idea about the principals behind marriage and the importance of social class. It also goes to show how even though Emma does not socially need to secure her place, being a woman she still feels the social pressure to think about ‘the perfect marriage’. Frank is at first presented to us in a very mysterious way, we know little about his character, however throughout we learn little truths about his character in social gatherings, his interaction with Emma and especially in Mr. Knightley’s view of his character. Frank Churchill slows Emma’s journey to self realisation, by giving her this illusion that he loves her and with a letter conveying his true intentions her illusion is finally shattered.

Emma’s view of his character is based on social class and his refined appearance, all the times she see’s him in a negative light she justify’s his behaviour. Austen writes; “Had she intended ever to marry him…” which shows us that she was never considering marrying him, although they made the perfect match in terms of social class, Emma realised she was not too fond of his personality and values. Emma is in a privileged position in terms of social superiority and security and so she was never serious about marrying him. There was a part of her that saw him for what he really was. The fact that she questioned his actions, morals and intentions every now and then show us that she was somewhat aware of his thoughtlessness. However although she realised it at a deeper level, on the surface she spent her time justifying his questionable behaviour. This shows her use of imagination to paint an image of reality that works for her. The way Emma interprets reality according to her own needs without any regard for the outside reality and all the characters present within it, is similar to Frank Churchill; who takes this a step further and behaves in thoughtless ways without filtering reality but altering it by behaving in deceitful and thoughtless ways.
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This also tells us that at this point in the novel Emma is starting to mature and her understanding of character is slightly clearer. However, her relationship with Frank Churchill only slows down Emma’s realisation, because their interaction is based on illusions that keep Emma from figuring out the truth about her own feelings and Frank Churchill’s. His character is first introduced in a very one dimensional light from Emma’s point of view, there is a focus on him being “well bred”. His descriptions are centred around the idea of his refinement and elegant air “height, air, address, ...

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