Hamlet calls Claudius a king of

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Q. Hamlet calls Claudius a king of “Shreds and patches”, “ a vice of kings”, “ a murderer” and “a villain”. Do you agree with this picture of Claudius?  

Ans. ‘Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’ is perhaps Shakespeare’s best tragedy. It was written between the years, 1600-1601. Hamlet’s character in the play is one of introspection and reflection. He is a person who thinks too much before he acts and also expresses a lot of his feelings before actually doing something. All of Shakespeare’s tragedies concerned people in high positions in a country and his fall would affect every one in the country too. As we see in, “King Lear” and “Macbeth”. Hamlet’s fall is due to one major flaw, which is his tendency to postpone action. His fall leads to death and destruction of such magnitude that the audience is moved by pity and terror.

Hamlets tragic flaw brings about his downfall due to the peculiar situation he is in. This situation is revealed to the audience when they discover about Claudius, the late king Hamlet’s brother, killing the king and then quickly taking control over the state of Denmark. He also marries Gertrude, the queen of Denmark and starts to rule over the country.

We find the character of Claudius in the play a very complex one, which is woven by Shakespeare to play an important role in the play. Claudius is a very cruel villain in the play, who also leads to the death of many people, including himself, with his pitiless acts. He proves himself to the audience to be a murderer, villain and one of who indulges in incest and cruel actions. He also is the source of corruption, guilt and deception, in the play.

Shakespeare gives the name “Claudius” to the character because there was an emperor of Rome named Claudius who was the ultimate epitome of evil in the eyes of the Elizabethans.

We see him to be the bad character in the play immediately, when we see the plays framework. Shakespeare makes him the brother of the King Hamlet, in the play. He is quite a jealous and spiteful man, who takes over his brother’s place in the kingdom by killing him when he pours poison into his ear while he was asleep. Swiftly after his death Claudius goes to the council and demands their vote for him to be the next king. We also see that Shakespeare tries to tell us that in those day’s kings had control over most things. Next he marries the wife of his brother, the late king Hamlet, and soon blends into the position of being king.

“ Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother’s death the memory be green, and that it is befitted to bear our hearts in grief, and whole kingdom”, Claudius’ first three lines seem to be sincere, as they indicate Claudius wanting the whole court to mourn together. He doesn’t seem to be much of a killer here, but he is just as well very shrewd when he tells the court that he is going to mourn but also going to move on. Hence he will marry the queen of the late king, just to keep the country’s state matters proper. Hence he gives us the portrayal of a face with one happy eye and another being sad. He overcomes the doubts of the court with the phrase, “defeated joy”, to show that he is mourning for his late brother as well as rejoicing his new marriage. Hence he unveils his character to be one that is very sly and shrewd.

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“O wicked wit and gifts, that has the power so to seduce! – Won to his shameful lust.” Claudius also shows himself to be manipulative as he changes the mind of the “seeming-virtuous queen” by winning her affection towards him in many ways, such as sweet words and gifts. He makes a very clear image of the queen also being incestuous and adulterous with him, and hence destroys the bond of respect that Hamlet feels for his mother, as he knows Hamlet would drift further away from his mother due to the repulsiveness of the situation and also the disgust ...

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