How does Faulks presentation of Death and its impact on soldiers influence your understanding of Birdsong?

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How does Faulks presentation of Death and its impact on soldiers influence your understanding of Birdsong?

Death throughout the First World War was constant and relentless for the soldiers. Initially, many held patriotic ideas and were excited at adventures offered and the prospect of fighting for King and country; however these ideas were hastily destroyed as men began to face the horrors of mechanized warfare. Faulks graphically describes the war scenes through third person perspectives and describes what men faced during different battles. He also presents to the reader later twentieth century perspectives of the war, emphasizing not only the immediate impact on soldiers, but the long term effects on individuals.

Throughout the novel, Faulks graphically presents the horrors of war through the explicit description of the deaths of soldiers. Faulks violent presentation of death itself shows the horrors soldiers had to face which gives the reader insight into the reality of war. Violent descriptions such as, ‘ragged edges from which the remains of his brain where drooping,’ presents abhorrent imagery to the reader, and also makes the impact of death on soldiers clear. Faulks throughout presents death violently and horrifically; attempting to give the reader insight into the conditions endured by the soldiers of world war one. Faulks presents the difficulty in creating close relationships with the men, as constant death meant that bonds created could easily be broken. Even though comradeship would have been necessary for the men to begin to cope with the war, Faulks presents through the perspective of Jack Firebrace the notion that he did not, ‘want to love one more than the next,’ showing the fear men felt that in creating bonds with others, they would be emotionally hurt if they had to endure the loss of their friends. Faulks also presents death as a way of soldiers losing their identity. In joining the army, men believed they would become heroes, however mass death meant that soldiers could not be mourned or even buried in a respectful manner. An example in the novel is evident before the Somme attack where there is the digging of a mass grave. This shows not only mass death was expected and un-preventable, but facilitated for in a degrading manner to the soldiers lives. Death and the threat was constant throughout the war; however, very unpredictable and impossible to judge who would be next. An example of the unpredictability is the sudden death of one of the key characters Weir. Faulks does not prolong the description of his death; however the long sentence structure makes this very emotive. When the readers learns that a, ‘sniper’s bullet entered his head above the eye causing trails of brain to loop out…’ this causes no emphasis or change of tone to the section, therefore making Weir’s death seem completely normal; emphasizing to the reader that death had become commonplace.

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Faulks presents the impact of death on soldiers by exploring their reactions to death. Faulks suggests an, ‘unspoken conspiracy,’ amongst soldiers about events witnessed in the war. This occurred when men left the front lines for their break, and acted as nothing, ‘beyond the boundaries of human nature,’ had occurred. This attitude shows secretly that men knew events in the trenches where not normal, but by outwardly showing a seemingly carefree attitude through drinking, singing and joking, it was easier to live with what they had done and witnessed. Faulks presents some men as becoming, ‘hardened against,’ death. He ...

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