How does Shakespeare show different attitudes to love in Romeo and Juliet

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How does Shakespeare show different

 attitudes towards love in Romeo and Juliet ?

   If you were to ask people what the greatest “Love Story” of all time was, you can bet that, most of them would say Romeo and Juliet.  However, it is not actually a love story, more a play with excessive, contrasting passions, including the most obvious. Love. This is where people get the idea that it is a love story. In this essay I will be exploring the way in which, along with the reasons why, Shakespeare showed different attitudes towards love in the play.

   In this tragedy, many characters are in love, claim to be in love or have been in love at some stage. I am going to start my essay by looking at the way Romeo feels for Rosaline.

“Benvolio: In love ?

Romeo: Out-

Benvolio: Of love ?

Romeo: Out of he favour, where I am in love.”

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This conversation between the characters Romeo and Benvolio shows that Romeo understands Rosaline does not feel the way about him, as he does about her, he knows he is experiencing unrequited love. The language Romeo is using when talking about his “love” for Rosaline is depressing which contrasts compared to the happiness and enjoyment usually associated with love.

“Romeo: Alas, that love whose view is muffled still”

The use of the word muffled suggests that Romeos outlook on love is becoming unclear, and we are starting to see evidence of his uncertainties. On the other hand, this quote ...

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