How far can babies be said to using language during the first year of their lives?

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How far can babies be said to be using language during the first year of their lives? On the one hand, it can be said that baby’s speech development can be improved greatly if the mother uses the correct learning techniques such as; CDS. Child Directed Speech is the name given to the form of language used by mothers or primary caregivers to babies, this can also be called ‘Motherese’. In many cases, this can involve the mother teaching the child basic conversational structure, she could do this by making constant eye contact with the baby when communication is occurring. The mother will also use rhetorical questions such as; “Are you hungry?” These are rhetorical as the baby cannot correctly respond however, by doing this she is teaching the
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baby to respond and that in a day to day conversation, questions should be answered. Furthermore, a vital part of Motherese is using repetitive phrases such as; “Oh dear, dear, dear” By doing this, the mother makes what she is saying more clear and by hearing the words repetitively, the baby will learn the words, associate meanings with words and possibly use them in the future. In addition, the caregiver can use alliteration and rhyme as this is more likely to maintain the words being learnt inside the child’s head. This may involve reading books that rhyme (as many young ...

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