How is Linton Heathcliff presented in Wuthering Heights?

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How is Linton Heathcliff presented in Wuthering Heights?

Consider the narrative voice and Bronte’s language choices.

Linton Heathcliff is a major character in the second generation of Emily Bronte’s novel ‘Wuthering Heights’. We are able to create an adequate picture of him in our minds due to the avid description provided by Ellen Dean – the narrative voice, and the language used by Bronte. He combines the worst characteristics of both parents and he uses his status as an invalid to manipulate the tender-hearted younger Catherine.

After Isabella’s death, Edgar decides to care for his nephew described as “a pale, delicate, effeminate boy, who might have been taken for my master’s younger brother… but there was a sickly peevishness in his aspect that Edgar Linton never had.” The adjectives “pale”, “delicate” and “effeminate” give the audience an image of how unwell he looks. The noun “boy” suggests that Edgar doesn’t seem him as a nephew, but just as an ordinary boy. At this stage, the reader feels sympathetic towards Linton despite his peevish weakness since his dad Heathcliff is not caring for his son.

The readers feels more sympathetic towards Linton is when making his refusal to let go of Nelly when the time comes for him to go back to his father one of the most touching scenes of the novel. Because he’s never seen his father before, Linton is surprised that Heathcliff has “black hair and eyes!” and wonders why he is “not like him”. This image of Linton becomes vivid as he himself is not black and so he is “mused” to hear that his father is black. The exclamation conveys his shock towards the answer Nelly has said.

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In his new home, he is treated just well enough to survive until he can carry out his father’s plan to marry his cousin and thus become the heir of Thrushcross Grange. When Ellen and Cathy rode to meet Linton they had to go quite close to Wuthering Heights to find him. His “large blue eyes wandered timidly over her; the hollowness round then transforming to haggard wildness the languid expression they once possessed”. This vivid description of Linton shows that he looks much healthier than before.  The adverb “timidly” suggests his shyness and lack of confidence when his “large ...

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