If I Could Tell You W. H. Auden Overall Themes/Ideas The poem discusses a number of ideas surrounding time

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If I Could Tell You  – W. H. Auden

Overall Themes/Ideas

The poem discusses a number of ideas surrounding time, and the ability to see into the future, and learn from things. It can also be seen as a love poem between Auden and his prospective lover, Kallam. It depicts a kind of wisdom, or can be seen as showing a know-it-all attitude. Conversely, it can even be seen as saying ‘we don’t know what the future may hold, just run with it.’  

Interesting Ideas/Features


Time is vital to the poem, as it is what is discussed most.

  • ‘Time’ - Time is a proper noun whenever it is mentioned in the poem; it is personified. Time can be seen throughout the poem as something which cannot be stopped, represented by the themes of repetition and death which come up throughout. Time is made to feel almost like a God, something supernatural over which we have no control. Only it knows our future, and we can never know, only in hindsight can we help others. Even then, we cannot tell them what to do. Time is over-arching and always there, it is the essence of life and surrounds you. Time can also be seen as useless, we cannot see into the future so we might as well take risks and go for things because we never know what may happen. The reference to ‘pay’ suggests death is a debt that must be paid to time, even love cannot avoid this fate – Time is inevitable. Time is indifferent to the quarrels and fears of man, it simply progresses onwards. The impersonal nature of time is presented throughout the poem. It doesn’t have a personality and stays quiet and in the shadows for most of the poem.
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  • ‘I’ – The poem is written in a first person narrative voice; Auden’s. This makes the poem intimate and personal, perhaps in an attempt to seduce his lover, Kallam. It also makes it intimate with any reader, almost as if he is trying to communicate a message with anyone who reads the poem. However, the ‘I’ could be seen as being anyone; it could be a wise man to a young son, warning him of the perils of time and the repetition of life, or it could be from one lover to another. The voice of the poet ...

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