In his poetry Hardy shows more sympathy for the natural world than he does for people. How far do you agree with this view?

In his poetry Hardy shows more sympathy for the natural world than he does for people.
How far do you agree with this view? You may wish to use ‘The Blinded Bird’ as a starting point for your answers.
In your answer you should either refer to 2 or 3 poems or range more widely though the selection.
Throughout Hardy’s poetry it is clear that he tends to show a lot more sympathy for the natural world than he does for people shown through key poems such as ‘The Blinded Bird’ , ‘The Darkling Thrush’ and ‘The Puzzled Game-Birds’. These three poems all use nature and animals to explore feelings and Hardy tends to be more sympathetic towards the natural surroundings, in these poems he specifically references birds. He also shows his sympathy for the natural world by showing the animals in a more positive light than he does people; as shown through the poem ‘The Puzzled Game-Birds’.
When looking at Hardy’s poem ‘The Puzzled Game-Birds’ I can make the judgement that I do agree fully with the view that Hardy does show more sympathy through his poems, especially this one, for the natural world than he does for people. Through this poem Hardy uses nature to portray his thoughts on cruelty since he shows how the birds are puzzled and confused ‘They are not those who used to feed us’ and the repetition of this line shows the birds denial of not wanting to believe that the people could perform such evil actions. The line ‘If hearts can house such treachery’ is an example of human betrayal from the bird’s perspective because the humans were benevolent, they provided and cared for the birds, then they contradicted themselves and betrayed the birds trust by depriving them. Hardy dehumanises the people through the line ‘They are not those who used to feed us’ because he takes away the individuality of the person by grouping all humans together. By taking away the individuality of the human, Hardy forces us to sympathise with the birds since the poem focuses more on the hardships and cruelty that they are suffering.