In "Regeneration", Sassoon the character is an extremely sympathetic figure. He is a man who stands by his convictions

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Regeneration Essay DRAFT

His father early in life abandoned the real Siegfried Sassoon, much like the novel’s character. Though he was a decorated soldier, Sassoon declared in 1917 that he had no longer agreed with the war. Sent to Craig Lockhart, the real Dr. Rivers treated him. However, In Regeneration, Sassoon the character is an extremely sympathetic figure. He is a man who stands by his convictions and refuses to be used by those who would sacrifice him for their ideals—namely, pacifists.

When Sassoon got asked in the Board meeting about his views towards the war, he replied quite directly that his views have not changed at all. ‘I cant possibly say, “No war is ever justified”, because I haven’t thought about it enough. Perhaps some wars are. Perhaps this one, when it started. I just don’t think our war aims – whatever they might be – and we don’t know – justify this level of slaughter’, said Sassoon. By saying ‘whatever they might be’ Sassoon refers to the aims, defense/ liberation, which were turned into aggression/conquest. He also says that because he believes that the ‘people’ who have the power to end the war are deliberately prolonging the war. However In an environment of madness, Sassoon is sane. His importance is heightened by his individuality.

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Although Sassoon holds strong beliefs, he believes that homosexuals should be treated with more tolerance, but he sees the necessity of remaining silent about his own sexuality. He is a caring and fatherly figure to his troops whom he steers toward a better use of his poetic gifts. Above all, Sassoon, as portrayed in Regeneration as a symbolic person, acts as a teacher, guiding those with whom he speaks toward a better knowledge of himself and of society. An example would be when Wilfred Owen entered the room and asked Siegfried Sassoon to sign his books, and while he ...

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