In The Bath written by Janet Frame, ideas are developed about old age through settings, characters actions, and characters mind.

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In “The Bath” written by Janet Frame, ideas are developed about old age through settings, character’s actions, and character’s mind. “The Bath” is a story about tyranny of ageing and the terror that a failing body wrecks on the elderly. Frame describes how hard it is to live a life like an elderly person. Frame shows how painful and progressive erosion of independence plays out as the body becomes enfeebled and how at a certain point, no matter how strong the mind is, the person must of necessity forfeit their authority and ask for help.
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Ideas are first developed through settings because it identified and established the time, place and mood of the events of the story. The setting starts with the old women listening to the “drip-drip of the cold water tap of the wash basin.” This is a cold setting which shows that it is not a happy setting, but a unhappy and sad setting. Therefore, ideas are developed through settings.

Ideas about ageing is developed through the actions of the character because this shows how the characters react to something. One can see when “she struggled to get out” ...

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