In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald relies heavily on the weather and the environment to emphasize events and people.

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Liam Wear

Mr. Digou


9 January 2013

Change with the Weather

        People’s feelings and emotions are often changed or affected by the weather. There are also many stereotypes that go along with the weather. For example on rainy days people often feel sad or on very hot days people often have short tempers and can become angry easily. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald relies heavily on the weather and the environment to emphasize events and people. This is clearly seen during the days of Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy, Gatsby’s funeral, and the confrontation between Gatsby and Tom.

        One of the more important times that F. Scott Fitzgerald relies on the weather and the environment to emphasize events and people in The Great Gatsby is the day of Gatsby’s reunion with her. This day is very important to Gatsby as he has been counting the days since he last saw Daisy. Gatsby has asked Nick to invite daisy over to Nick’s place for tea so that Gatsby could come over and be reunited with her. “The day agreed upon was pouring rain” (Fitzgerald 81). While they wait For Daisy, Gatsby is uncharacteristically nervous. He is so nervous that he tells Nick that he is going to go home because he doesn’t think that Daisy will show up. The rain helps to emphasise the how nervous and worried Gatsby is. At first, when Daisy shows up, Gatsby is awkward and his fingers are even “trembling” (Fitzgerald 84) but after Nick leaves him alone for half an hour, he comes back to find Gatsby back to his confident self. When Nick walks back in the room he informs Gatsby, as well as the reader, that “it’s stopped raining” (Fitzgerald 86) and at this news Gatsby smiles “like an ecstatic patron of recurrent light” (Fitzgerald 86). The fact that it has stopped raining helps to emphasise that Gatsby has gained back his sureness and has his usual self confidence.

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        Another time that is significant in The Great Gatsby where F. Scott Fitzgerald relies on the weather and the environment to emphasize events and people is on the day of Gatsby’s funeral. On the day of the funeral the rain creates a sad mood. When Nick goes to New York to see Meyer Wolfshiem and he says he can not attend the funeral we first learn that it is raining out. “When I left his office the sky turned dark and I got back to West egg in drizzle” (Fitzgerald 163). This sets the mood for a sad, gloomy day. Although ...

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