In what ways does the English language suggest that women are inferior to men?

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In what ways does the English language suggest that women are inferior to men? – Bethan Gray

In my opinion it is obvious that there is an inbuilt gender bias in the English language. Women are not equally treated to men in various different ways. The inbuilt gender bias has evolved from ancient English language from the Shakespeare times to today. I think that as our society today has changed from being male dominating to equality between both sexes then our language should change with it however there still seems to be a strong inbuilt gender bias within our language and I’m about to address the main problems.

A prime example of the inbuilt gender bias is the famous lexis that Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the lunar surface in July 1969 which was ‘That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.’ This clearly shows that women were not given a second thought during the journey to the moon even though there were probably plenty of intelligent women working behind the scenes of the moon landing. Armstrong almost certainly never meant his words to be taken in this way however his words indicate a clear inbuilt gender bias within the English language women and also suggest that women are inferior to men. However, Armstrong said those words in 1969 when women and men were not yet seen as equals and therefore used language which singled out women, the fact that Armstrong, after a long period of thinking time, used the word ‘mankind’ suggests that the world is only made up of men, men run the world and women have nothing to do with the evolution of the world which shows men and women are not equal also men are above women.

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Another way in which we can see that women are inferior to men is the use of suffixes. Suffixes show that we cannot just describe a person’s job or purpose by using the same word for both sexes and however need to use different endings for each of the genders. For example, we describe a male who manages a company a ‘manager’ however a woman, according to the English language, isn’t allowed to be described in the same way and instead we have to say ‘manageress’ which clearly states that men and women are not equals as equals are referred ...

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