In your view, how have poetic techniques been used to reveal memorable ideas in Yeats poetry?

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In your view, how have poetic techniques been used to reveal memorable ideas in Yeats’ poetry?

William Butler Yeats clever manipulation of language through the use of poetic techniques has allowed him to instill amongst his readers memorable and at times provocative ideas, ensuring his works endure throughout time. In his selected poems, The Second Coming and The Wild Swans at Coole Yeats illuminates our understanding of the complexity of conflicting desire, the passage of time and its alteration of perception. It is through this poetic treatment of ideas that Yeat’s effectively enlightens the reader to memorable ideas about the nature of humanity.

The Second Coming, written in 1916 and published in 1919 explores the conflicting desires of the poet, William Butler Yeats, during a period of inevitable revolution and copious bloodshed. Yeats’s theory on the shifting of the metaphysical gyres states that a complete reversal of values is immanent and will ultimately bring about revolutionary change and the end of the Christian dominated era.Yeats fear of carnage and needless death is indicative of his context as the world was overwhelmed with WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution and the 1916 Easter Uprising. This convinces responders that whilst Yeats poetry is often labeled ‘transcendental’ (George Masan University), it is also derived from contextual inspiration. Yeats portrays his yearning for structure through the apocalyptic imagery of the “blood-dimmed tide”. This blood imagery illustrates Yeats’s fear of the death and bloodshed associated with revolution. The poet’s subconscious yearning for structure illustrates his sense of uncertainty towards inevitable change is further evident through the oxymoron “mere-anarchy.” By depicting anarchy as common place, Yeats reaffirms our understanding of the tumultuous damage and carnage of revolution, highlighting both his personal fears and understanding of the cyclical nature of historical revolutions – thus revealing memorable ideas which resonate with the reader.

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Similarly, Yeats explores the passage of time through the poetic treatment of ideas in the reflective poem The Wild Swans at Coole, which is a testament to the heartache when living in a time when “all’s changed”. Yeats explores the passage of time through seasonal imagery “the nineteenth autumn has come upon me”. The setting of the poem is highly symbolic of Yeats stage in his life with “autumn” and “twilight” both suggesting a time of decline and transition. The sombre tone of the poem is established through the connotations of deterioration and death associated with autumn. Yeats examines his own private emotional ...

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