Language Change: Module 6

Historical Factors

Before English began - up to ca. 450 AD

* British (Celtic) tribes - language related to modern Welsh, Scots Gaelic and Irish (Erse).

* Only real connection with Modern English is in lexis (mostly in place names).

Origins of English - ca. 450 AD to 1066

* Angles, Saxons and Jutes arrive from north Germany

* Language (Old English) is at first spoken · only writing is runes

* Written form comes from Latin-speaking monks, who use Roman alphabet, with new letters (æ, ð and þ - spoken as "ash", "eth" and "thorn")

* About half of common vocabulary of modern English comes from Old English

* Word forms vary according to syntax (inflection, case endings and declension) and grammatical gender

* Vikings establish Danelaw · some erosion of grammar and addition of new vocabulary.

Middle English Period - 1066 to 1485

* Lexis - terms for law and politics from Norman French

* General expansion of lexis, esp. abstract terms

* Case-endings, declension and gender disappear

* Inflection goes except in pronouns and related forms

* Writers concerned about change, want to stabilize language

* 1458 - Gutenberg invents printing (1475 - Caxton introduces it to England)

* Press enables some standardizing.

Tudor Period - 1485 to 1603

* Rise of nationalism linked to desire for more expressive language

* Flowering of literature and experiments in style

* Idea of elevated diction

* Vocabulary enlarged by new learning (Renaissance)

* Imports from Greek and Latin

* Lexis expanded by travel to New World, and ideas in maths and science

* English settlers begin to found colonies in North America.

* In 1582 Richard Mulcaster publishes a list of 7,000 words with spelling forms, but this does not become a universal standard

The 17th Century

* Influences of Puritanism and Catholicism (Roundhead and Cavalier) and of science.

* Puritan ideas of clarity and simplicity influence writing of prose.

* Reasonableness and less verbose language

* English preferred to Dutch as official tongue of American colonies.

The 18th Century

* Age of reason

* Ideas of order and priority

* Standardizing of spelling (Johnson' s Dictionary of the English Language in 1755) and grammar (Robert Lowth's Short Introduction to English Grammar in 1762 and Lindley Murray's English Grammar in 1794)

* Classical languages are seen as ideal models for English

* Romantic Movement begins

* Interest in regional and social class varieties of English.

The 19th Century

* Interest in past

* Use of archaic words

* Noan Webster publishes American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828
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* Due to growth in Brittish empire the English language travels to other countries and imports many loanwords

* Modern language science begins with Jakob Grimm and others

* James Murray begins to compile the New English Dictionary (which later becomes the Oxford English Dictionary) in 1879

The 20th Century and beyond

* Modern language science developed

* Descriptive not prescriptive

* Non-standard varieties have raised status

* Ideas of formal and informal change

* Modern recording technology allows study of spoken English

* Influence of overseas forms grows

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