Norman MacCaigs Assisi is an intriguing poem, in which a contrast is used to create an intense feeling of irony and sympathy. Discuss.

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Norman MacCaig’s “Assisi” is an intriguing poem, in which a contrast is used to create an intense feeling of irony and sympathy.

From the outset MacCaig uses shocking images to create sympathy for the beggar. The first image occurs at the beginning of the first line, which induces a feeling of shock within the reader. The beggar is described as a “dwarf”, and goes on to say his “hands [were] on backward”, which is at the end of the same line. He is also said to have “tiny twisted legs”. Perhaps the best description of the beggar is the simile on line two, in which MacCaig compares him to a “half filled sack”. The word “slumped” implies the shape of the beggar’s back is like the arch of the sack. The leaky bag of sawdust could resemble the energy and life draining from him, and could also indicate that he was physically damaged. The common letter “S” in the alliteration of this image is onomatopoeic, and suggests the running of the sawdust. This also portrays the beggar as worthless, as sawdust isn’t valuable, and is just the leftovers of wood.

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These are particularly cold and cruel descriptions of someone who is in need of help. It makes the beggar seem almost un-human. MacCaig deliberately uses unfeeling descriptions to convey society’s attitude, and forces us as readers and members of society to think about how we would view the beggar.

We see that the beggar is rejected by society by the use of the word “outside”. This is cleverly placed at the beginning of the stanzas centre line. This gives it more emphasis and indicates that he is outcast from society. The descriptions of the beggar and the church ...

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**** 4 STARS A well written essay which uses accurate literary terminology and uses appropriately selected quotes to support statements throughout. Analysis is accurate, detailed and perceptive. A slightly longer intro and conclusion are necessary.