Romeo and Juliet.

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                                                   Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a very famous play written by William Shakespeare. It is about two “star-crossed” lovers who meet and instantly fall in love. However, it is a complex and intricate story. There is a tragic twist; the lovers come from similar “dignified” families, which have been feuding as the result of an ancient grudge. There are killings, murders and violence on the streets of Verona, where the original story is set.

My version of Romeo and Juliet will be set in the past, rather then the widely used contemporary settings that are often used in films. It will be set in the countryside outside the fair city of Verona.. There will be fencing type fights, and the story will reflect the society of the fencing age. The two households will both be alike in dignity in the respect that they are both fighting over a stream which runs through each of their lands and is an important source of irrigation. The two households are named in the same way as the original story; Montague and Capulet.

The feuding of the two families will be based on the water rights. Each family owns a farm, with very high status because of the amount of land that they own. Through the centre of both farms flows the stream. Both families claim the water from the stream; however, it does not formally belong to either of them. There are violent town fights all the time, started off by the main families. Both families have servants working on the farm land, and even these servants feel surges of loathing towards the other house. Each house has a colour, which all servants in each house wear. The Capulet household wears red, and the Montague household wears Orange. Even this portrays the likeliness of the two houses. Even their colours are of the same type.    

I will not change the names of characters either, since nothing is particularly to be gained from doing so. The only thing I am changing is the place and age of setting and the cause of the feud and how the two families fight. My story will be shown in a film as it is easier to portray graphical scenes. For example, to show off the “Fiery Tybalt” fire could be introduced  in the background when he is introduced.

 There will be a bird’s eye view of both households in the prologue, with the big houses on either side of a wide and fast flowing stream. The Montague roof will have a big, orange M and the Capulet a large red C.  

The prologue is the first to come up on to the screen. I will use the original script, to help bring out the traditional meaning.

Two households, both alike in dignity,
I will portray this by showing a picture of two the roof-tops of the two households on each side of the stream. Both are the same size and both have the capital letters of their household names on the rooftop.

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In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
This will be portrayed by showing pictures of a roman-like town, with a sign saying “Verona” There will be contemporary statues and the town will look as traditional as it can be made.

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
A clip of two sides, red and orange fighting, and people dying will be shown here. There will be glimpses of normal civilians joining the fight, leaving their stalls and daily jobs to have a look and try and stop it.

From forth ...

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