Rules sometimes need to be broken. Which view are you in closer argument with and why? Make it argumentative and discuss your view point only.

Ahmed Abdullah
Rules sometimes need to be broken. Which view are you in closer argument with and why? Make it argumentative and discuss your view point only.
Rules, rules rules. Every day, we live with rules. We follow rules, we break rules. And there’s a saying, “Rules are meant to be broken.” Agree? I just wonder what life is without rules. Everyone would be doing crimes all over the place. One day you might just wake up and see all your stuff in your house is gone. Report to the police? There are no rules, so is there going to be police around? I guess the answer would be no.
There’s an old saying that rules were made to be broken. As a general rule I wouldn’t agree but there are exceptions to every rule and when it comes to all the things we should and should not do which litter our lives as to what is good for us and what isn’t, there’s more than one ‘rule’ which deserves to be broken. If rules weren't broken advances would not have been made within society. Sure rules such as not killing someone make sense. But if the African Americans had not have broken the rules to achieve equality where would they be today? Rules are placed to tighten people, and yes if they weren't there, the society would be crazy, but there are so many rules today that are not fair, and for society to see it differently, we need someone to break the rules.

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**** 4 STARS A well written and thoughtful argument which uses various rhetorical techniques such as tripling, use of pronouns, rhetorical questions etc. in order to persuade and convince the audience. A few lapses in expression at times.